An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16019 entries, 14077 authors and 1941 subjects. Updated: July 25, 2024

LITZMANN, Carl Conrad Theodor

3 entries
  • 6260

Das schräg-ovale Becken.

Kiel: Akad. Buchhandlung, 1853.

Litzmann (see also No. 6263) described in this work the coxalgic, scoliotic and kyphoscoliotic forms of pelvis.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › Pelvis: Pelvic Anomalies
  • 6263

Die Formen des Beckens, insbesondere des engen weiblichen Beckens.

Berlin: G. Reimer, 1861.

Litzmann devised a clinical classification of pelves which was for many years generally used, and he described various deformities of the female pelvis.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › Pelvis: Pelvic Anomalies
  • 6263.1

Ueber die hintere Scheitelbeinstellung, eine nicht selten Art von fehlerhafter Einstellung des Kopfes unter der Geburt.

Arch. Gynäk., 2, 433-40, 1871.

“Litzmann’s obliquity” or posterior parietal presentation.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › Pelvis: Pelvic Anomalies