Die elephantiastischen Formen. Eine umfassende Darstellung der angeborenen und erworbenen Elephantiasis sowie aller verwandten Leiden.Hamburg: J. F. Richter, 1885.This atlas illustrates the various changes that occur under the collective term elephantiasis, including tumors of the blood and lymphatic vessels, fibromas, neuromas, papillomas. Goldschmid 258. Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Leprosy, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Mosquito-Borne Diseases › Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis), PATHOLOGY › Pathology Illustration |
Zur anästhesierung des plexus brachialis.Zentralbl. Chir., 38, 1337-40, 1911.Kullenkampff performed the first percutaneous supraclavicular block. "Just as his older colleague August Bier (1861–1949) had done with spinal anesthesia in 1898,[24] Kulenkampff subjected himself to the supraclavicular block" (Wikipedia article on Brachial plexus block, accessed 6-2020). Subjects: ANESTHESIA |