Ueber ein neues Heilverfahren gegen Schwerhörigkeit in Folge von Unwegsamkeit der Eustachischen Ohrtrompete.Wien. med. Wschr., 13, 84-87, 102-04, 117-19, 148-52, 1863.Politzer’s method of effecting permeability of the Eustachian tube. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Die Beleuchtungsbilder des Trommelfells im gesunden und kranken Zustande.Vienna: W. Braumüller, 1865.Politzer was the first to obtain pictures of the membrana tympani by means of illumination. English translation, New York, 1869. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Instruments, OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures |
Ueber einen einheitlichen Hörmesser.Arch. Ohrenheilk., 12, 104-09, 1877.Politzer described an acumeter. Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES, OTOLOGY › Audiology |
Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde. 2 pts.Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1878 – 1882.Politzer was one of the greatest of all otologists. He was the first Professor of Otology in Vienna and his textbook was for many years the standard authority on the subject. English translation, 1883. Subjects: OTOLOGY |
On a peculiar affection of the labyrinthine capsule as a frequent cause of deafness.Trans. 1st Panamer, med. Congr., (1893), pt. 3, 1607-08, 1895.First report of otosclerosis as a separate clinical entity. Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear |
Geschichte der Ohrenheilkunde. 2 vols.Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1907 – 1913.It is fitting that Politzer should have been the greatest historian of otology. He was Professor of Otology in Vienna and his teaching had great influence upon the advancement of the subject. The Geschichte is a masterpiece of historical research. Reprinted, Hildesheim, 1967. English translation of vol. 1, Phoenix, Columnella Press, 1981. Subjects: OTOLOGY › History of Otology |