FENNER, Frank John
3 entries
The production of antibodies. 2nd ed.Melbourne, Australia: Macmillan, 1949.Burnet and Fenner introduced the “self-marker” concept – natural tolerance to one’s own body constituents depended on their presence at a critical stage of embryonic development. Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY |
Portraits of viruses: A history of virology.Basel: Karger, 1988.Well-documented essays on specific families of viruses by expert researchers, reprinted from Intervirology, 1979, 11-1986, 26. Subjects: VIROLOGY › History of Virology |
Smallpox and its eradication.Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988.The definitive archival history in 1460 pages. In 2016 a PDF of this entire book could be downloaded from the W.H.O. at this link. Subjects: Global Health, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox › History of Smallpox, PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health, VIROLOGY › History of Virology, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Variola and Vaccinia |