VRIES, Hugo Marie de
Das Spaltungsgesetz der Bastarde.Ber. dtsch. hot. Ges., 18, 83-90., 1900.De Vries and Correns independently rediscovered and confirmed Mendel’s laws. This is De Vries’s most important paper on the subject. De Vries’s first published paper on the topic is “Sur la loi de disjonction des hybrides”, C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 1900, 130, 845-47. Reading of this paper led Correns to write his own paper (No. 239.1), although Correns claimed he had previously and independently arrrived at the same conclusions. English translation in No. 258.4. Subjects: BOTANY, GENETICS / HEREDITY |
Die Mutationstheorie. 2 vols.Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1901 – 1903.The theory of mutation was first advanced by de Vries. English translation, 2 vols., Chicago, 1909-10. Subjects: BOTANY, GENETICS / HEREDITY |