An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

BRAID, James

4 entries
  • 4992.3

Satanic agency and mesmerism reviewed. In a Letter to the Rev. H. Mc. Neile A.M. of Liverpool: In reply to a sermon preached by him in St. Jude's Church, Liverpool, on Sunday, April 10th, 1842.

Manchester: Simms & Dinham, 1842.

Braid’s scientific investigations of mesmerism convinced him that its effects did not depend on an outside force, but were natural phenomena arising from the subject’s heightened suggestibility. This 10-page pamphlet contains his first statement of these discoveries and contains the first use of the term “neuro-hypnotism”, which Braid coined to replace the unscientific “mesmerism” and “animal magnetism”.

Subjects: PSYCHOTHERAPY › Hypnosis, Quackery
  • 4993

Neurypnology, or, the rationale of nervous sleep.

London: John Churchill, 1843.

Braid inaugurated modern hypnotism, the word itself being introduced by him. His theories were adopted by Broca, Charcot, Liébeault, and Bernheim; thus he founded the French School. New edition, edited with an introduction biographical and bibliographical embodying the author's later views and further evidence on the subject by Arthur Edward Waite  (London: George Redway, 1899).



Subjects: PSYCHOTHERAPY › Hypnosis
  • 5002

Die Entdeckung des Hypnotismus: nebst einer ungedruckten Original-Abhandlung von [James] Braid in deutscher Übersetzung.

Berlin: Gebrüder Paetel, 1881.

A translation into German by Preyer of a previously unpublished work on the history of hypnosis by James Braid. 

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › History of Psychiatry, PSYCHOLOGY › History of Psychology, PSYCHOTHERAPY › Hypnosis › History of Psychotherapy: Hypnosis
  • 7715

The discovery of hypnosis: The complete writings of James Braid, the father of hypnotherapy. Edited with detailed prefatory essays by Donald Robertson.

London: National Council for Hypnotherapy, 2009.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, PSYCHOTHERAPY › Hypnosis, PSYCHOTHERAPY › Hypnosis › History of Psychotherapy: Hypnosis