An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

GRANJEL, Luis Sánchez

5 entries
  • 6579.2

Bibliográfia história de la medicina española. 2 vols.

Salamanca, Spain: Univ. Salamanca, 19651966.

A bibliography covering Spain and the former South American colonies.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Latin America, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Spain, Latin American Medicine › History of Latin American Medicine
  • 7860

Historia de la pediatría española.

Salamanca, Spain: Ed. Universidad de Salamanca, 1965.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Spain, PEDIATRICS › History of Pediatrics
  • 6742.4

Médicos españoles.

Salamanca, Spain: Seminario de História de la medicina Española, Univ. de Salamanca, 1967.

  • 6579.3

Historia general de la medicina española. Vol. 1-4.

Salamanca, Spain: Ed. Universidad de Salamanca, 19811987.

Vol. 1: Ancient and medieval; Vol. 2: Renaissance; Vol. 3: 17th century; Vol.. 4: 18th century.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Spain, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine
  • 9049

Discursos medicinales. Edición del Mss. 2208 de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca. Introducción de Luis S. Granjel. Descripción bibliográfica de Teresa Santander. Transcripción de Gregorio del Ser Quijano y Luis E. Rodríguez-San Pedro.

Salamanca, Spain: Ed. Universidad de Salamanca, 1989.

Facsimile edtion and first publication of the first medical work written in Colombia, written between 1607 and 1611.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Colombia, Latin American Medicine