An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025


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The Old English illustrated pharmacopoeia. British Library Cotton Vitellius C III. Edited by M. A. D'Aronco and M. L. Cameron. Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, 27.

Copenhagen: Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1998.

Macer glosses, Pseudo-Apuleius, Herbarium, Macrobius, etc. 12th century.

"A composite manuscript which comprises four parts, Parts 1 and 2 contain items in English, Part 3 contains Macrobius, "Saturnalia" and Part 4 includes Cotton's notes (see, British Library Catalogue, and Doane 1994, pp. 20-25).

Part 1, fols 5-10, contains text copied in s. xii hands: Fols 5r-10: Peter of Poitiers, Compendium Historiae in Genealogia Christi. Fol. 10v, chapter titles of Macer, De viribus herbarum. Chapters 10, 11, 13-19, 22 and 37 are glossed in English in a different hand, s. xii, to that of the main text. There are also some annotations in Anglo-Norman (see, Doane 1994, p. 21; Ker 1957, p. 283; Gough 1974, pp. 285-87; Bierbaumer 1976, p. xxi).

Part 2, fols 11-85: the table of contents, the translation of the enlarged Herbarius Apuleii and of the Medicina de quadrupedius are from s. xi1. Part 2 also contains: Fol. 11r, s. xii, annotations around a hole (Doane 1994, p. 21; Voigts 1976, p. 258). Fols 12r-18v, table of content of the 'Herbarius', followed by 185 chapters of the translation of Herbarius Apuleii, titled '[H]ERBARIVM | APVL[EI] [P]LAT[ONICI] | QVOD AC[CE]PIT AB E|SCOLA[P]IO ET [A] CH[I]RONE CENTAVRO: MAGISTRO | ACHILLIS' on fols 19v-74v, and a translation in Old English of Medicina de quadrupedibus beginning 'SAGAÐ ÐÆT ÆGYP | ta cyning idpartus Æ¿æs haten' on fols 75-82v (de Vriend 1984 and Cockayne 1864-66). A s. xii hand probably added the chapters in the table of contents: I- CLXXIX and, as Ker 1957 notes, the chapter numbers in the upper margin of most pages are also in this hand.

Fol. 17v contains a note in Old English, s. xii, 'Se unbrade þistel he havat | Æ¿iplete (?) hauod' (Ker 1957, p. 284, and Doane 1994, p. 22). Fol. 18v is partially blank and contains recipes in Old English Ad uertiginem, 'Num betonica Ë¥ Æ¿æll sÆ¿yðe on Æ¿in | oþþa on ald ealað' and Ad pectoris dolorem, 'Num horsellens Ë¥ eft geÆ¿ænen bare' s. xi2 (Ker 1957, p. 284, Cockayne 1864-66, 1, 378). Fols 82v-83 contain four recipes in Old English in three hands. The first two recipes, fols 82v/21-83r/11, 'Ðis is seo seleste eah salf' and, fol. 83r/12-19, 'Ðis mæg to eah salfe', are in the same hand as that of the recipes on fol. 18v. Fols 83r/20-31, the third recipe is in a s. xi hand, 'Æ¿ið lungen adle' (Cockayne 1864-66, 1, 374). Fols 83r/1-15, the fourth is in a s. xii hand 'Æ¿ið fot adle' (Cockayne 1864-66, 1, 376). On fol. 83, eight Latin recipes, and two chams in a s.xiiiin hand. On fol. 83r/27, 'warantiÄ™' is glossed 'Æ¿ret' (Ker 1957, pp. 284-85 and Doane 1994, p. 22)" ( , accessed 04-2017).

In 2017 the British Library published a digital facsimile of Cotton Vitellius C III online at this link. The modern English translation is by van Arsdall No. 8879)


Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › England, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › England › Anglo-Saxon Medicine, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines, PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacopeias