GOLDSMITH, Middleton
A report on hospital gangrene, eryipelas and pyaemia, as observed in the departments of the Ohio and the Cumberland, with cases appended. Published by permission of the Surgeon General U.S.A.Louisville, KY: Bradley & Gilbert, 1863.Middleton, surgeon in the U.S. Volunteers, recommended the placement of volatile bromine in all patient wards. He developed a method of applying bromine deep into muscular layers after wound debridement then injecting bromine subcutaneously and applying it topically to exposed surfaces. A second application was only applied in cases where the gangrene odor returned. Through this process Goldsmith achieved a mortality of 2.6 percent for those treated with bromine, as against 43.3 percent with those treated by other methods.
Subjects: American (U.S.) CIVIL WAR MEDICINE |