ACHARD, Émile Charles
2 entries
Infections paratyphoïdiques.Bull. Soc. méd Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 13, 820-33, 1896.Isolation of Salmonella paratyphi B. First use of the term “paratyphoid fever”. Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Paratyphoid Fever, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Salmonellosis |
La virilisme pilaire et son association à l’insuffisance glycolytique (Diabète des femmes à barbe).Bull. Acad. Méd., 3 sér., 86, 51-66, 1921.“Achard–Thiers syndrome”. These writers established as a definite syndrome the combination of hirsutism with diabetes. Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Adrenals, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes |