SWICK, Moses
2 entries
Darstellung der Niere und Harnwege im Röntgenbild durch intravenöse Einbringung eines neuen Kontraststoffes, des Uroselectans.Klin. Wschr., 8, 2087-89, 1929.Introduction of Uroselectan. In a following paper (pp. 2089-91), A. von Lichtenberg and M. Swick used it in human excretion urography. Subjects: UROLOGY |
Excretion urography by means of the intravenous and oral administration of sodium ortho-iodohippurate: with some physiological considerations.Surg. Gynec, Obstet., 56, 62-65, 1933.Introduction of Hippuran. Subjects: UROLOGY |