PARKMAN, Paul Douglas
2 entries
Recovery of rubella virus from army recruits.Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.), 111, 225-30, 1962.Isolation of the rubella virus. Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Rubella & Allied Conditions, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Matonaviridae › Rubella Virus |
Attenuated rubella virus. II. Production of an experimental live-virus vaccine and clinical trial.New Engl. J. Med., 275, 575-80, 1966.With T. C. Panos. Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Vaccines, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Rubella & Allied Conditions, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Matonaviridae › Rubella Virus |