An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16019 entries, 14077 authors and 1941 subjects. Updated: July 25, 2024

IHM, Sibylle

1 entries
  • 8230

Clavis commentariorum der antiken medizinischen Texte.

Leiden: Brill, 2002.

A key to literature on commentaries on Greek and Latin medical writers up to the 12th century— primarily Late Antique authors, who were active before 600 CE. It takes account of commentaries on Galen in particular and of later Alexandrian physicians - surviving and lost - as well as of commentaries originally composed in Greek but which only survived in Arabic translation. 

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece › History of Ancient Medicine in Greece, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Late Antiquity, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire › History of Medicine in the Roman Empire, BIBLIOGRAPHY , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine