An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

WOLBACH, Simeon Burt

3 entries
  • 5391

Studies on Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

J. med. Res., 41, 1-197, 1919.

In his important aetiological and pathological studies of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Wolbach mentioned the causal agent Dermacentroxenus rickettsi.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Tick-Borne Diseases, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Tick-Borne Diseases › Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • 5393

The etiology and pathology of typhus. Being the main report of the Typhus Research Commission of the League of Red Cross Societies to Poland.

Cambridge, MA: The League of Red Cross Societies at the Harvard University Press, 1922.

The carefully controlled experiments of Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey eliminated all doubt that R. prowazeki was the causal agent in typhus. Digital facsimile from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Rickettsia › Rickettsia prowazekii , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 10943

Studies on Rickettsia-like micro-organisms in insects.

J. med. Res., 44, 329-374.7, 1924.

Hertig and Wolbach first described the parasitic microbe Wolbachia in the common house mosquito in 1924. In 1936 Hertig formally described the species as Wolbachia pipientis. Since then the genus Wolbachia has become of considerable research interest due to its ubiquitous distribution, its many different evolutionary interactions, and its use as a biocontrol agent. Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Wolbachia, MICROBIOLOGY, PARASITOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology