An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16032 entries, 14099 authors and 1944 subjects. Updated: October 19, 2024

SLOANE, Sir Hans

4 entries
  • 9915

Catalogus plantarum quae in insula Jamaica: Sponte proveniunt, vel vulgò coluntur cum earundem synonymis & locis natalibus, adjectis aliis quibusdam quae in insulis Maderae, Barbados, Nieves, & Sancti Christophori nascuntur, seu Prodromi historiae naturalis Jamaicae pars prima.

London: Impensis D. Brown, 1696.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Archive at this link.

  • 9914

A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica: With the natural history of the herbs and trees, four-footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles, &c. of the last of those islands; to which is prefix'd, an introduction, wherein is an account of the inhabitants, air, waters, diseases, trade, &c. of that place, with some relations concerning the neighbouring continent, and islands of America. Illustrated with figures of the things described, which have not been heretofore engraved. In large copper-plates as big as the life. 2 vols.

London: Printed by B.M. for the Author, 17071725.

As a youth Sloane collected objects of natural history and other curiosities. This led him to the study of medicine, which he went to London, where he studied botany, materia medica, surgery and pharmacy. His collecting habits made him useful to John Ray and Robert Boyle. After four years in London he travelled through France, spending some time at Paris and Montpellier, and stayed long enough at the University of Orange-Nassau to take his MD degree there in 1683. He returned to London with a considerable collection of plants and other curiosities, of which the former were sent to Ray and utilised by him for his History of Plants.

In 1687 Sloane became a fellow of the College of Physicians, and the same year went to Jamaica aboard HMS Assistance as physician in the suite of the new Governor of Jamaica, the second Duke of Albemarle.Jamaica was fast emerging as a source of immense profit to British merchants based on the cultivation of sugar and other crops by the forced labor of West Africans—many from the Akan and other peoples of the regions which the English entitled the Gold and Slave Coasts. Income from the sugar produced by enslaved African laborers on Sloane's wife's plantations at an area known as Sixteen Mile Walk fed the family fortunes in London and, together with Sloane's medical revenue and London property investments, gave him the wealth to collect on a vast scale. On his death Sloane bequeathed his collections to the English nation, founding the British Museum. (adapted from the Wikipedia article on Hans Sloane, 03-2018).

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 9916

The Sloane Printed Books catalogue.

London: British Library, 2008.
"The Sloane Printed Books catalogue lists books which belonged to Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753). Bibliographical records are enhanced with Sloane's own numbers or other identifying marks, and with information about previous owners. A number of records include information on the physical state and condition of the items.

You can use the catalogue in many different ways, including:
  • identifying individual books from his library
  • displaying a range of items in the order in which Sloane kept them
  • searching for items from one of the other libraries from which Sloane acquired books"

Icones stirpium

"The Sloane Printed Books Catalogue

The Sloane Printed Books catalogue lists books which belonged to Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753). His was one of the largest libraries in Europe of its time, and particularly significant for its holdings of medical and scientific material. In this catalogue, bibliographical records are enhanced with Sloane's own numbers or other identifying marks, and with information about previous owners. A number of records include information on the physical state and condition of the items. 

This catalogue opens up Sloane’s library for research into what he owned, how he used it, from whom he acquired items, and how the collection was managed. It is a resource for the historian of science or medicine, the intellectual historian, and the historian of information. 

"The Sloane Printed Books Project

A two-year project, which runs from April 2008 to April 2010, led by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London in collaboration with the British Library, and funded by the Wellcome Trust Research Resources in Medical History, is enabling a research team to enlarge substantially an existing database which was not previously publicly available. In July 2008 it was launched as one of the Library’s special catalogues, with over 13000 records. Additions to the catalogue will be made regularly throughout the period of the project.

The project team will report on developments and events, and welcomes comment and correspondence about all aspects of the catalogue and studies based on it. Information about the progress of the project will be posted on an interactive blog, to be set up in the near future.

See also:
History of the collections
Identifying Sloane's books


Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, DIGITAL RESOURCES › Digital Archives & Libraries
  • 10117

The Sloane Letters Project.

Saskatoon, SK, Canada: Univerisity of Saskatchewan, 2010.

"A pilot of this project, Sir Hans Sloane’s Correspondence Online, was first launched at the University of Saskatchewan in 2010 to coincide with the 350th anniversary of Sir Hans Sloane’s birth. The project was renamed The Sloane Letters Project when it moved to this site in 2016.

The correspondence of Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) consists of thirty-eight volumes held at the British Library, London: MSS 4036-4069, 4075-4078.  The letters are a rich source of information about topics such as scientific discourse, collections of antiquities, curiosities and books, patients’ illnesses, medical treatments and family history. Most of the letters were addressed to Sloane, but a few volumes were addressed to others (MSS 4063-4067) or written by Sloane (MSS 4068-4069).

So far, we have entered descriptions and metadata for Sloane MSS 4036-4053 and 4075, as well as several letters from each of the following: Sloane MSS 4054-4055, 4066, 4068-4069 and 4076. Several of these entries also include transcriptions. Further entries and transcriptions are being made available gradually.

Please, explore the website and database. You can search through the letters, learn about Sir Hans Sloane or the letters written to him, and peruse blog posts about interesting letters!"



Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › England (United Kingdom), DIGITAL RESOURCES › Digital Archives & Libraries , MUSEUMS, NATURAL HISTORY