An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16075 entries, 14164 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: February 15, 2025

JARDINE, Sir William

2 entries
  • 10177

The naturalist's library. Edited by Sir William Jardine. 40 vols.

Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars & London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 18331866.
  1. "1833, Natural History of Humming Birds, Part I, (Ornithology Vol. VI) by William Jardine, with memoir of Carl Linnaeus. (online)
  2. 1833, Monkeys, (Mammalia Vol. I) by William Jardine, with a memoir of Comte de Buffon (online)
  3. Humming Birds Part II, (Ornithology Vol. VII) by William Jardine, with a memoir of Thomas Pennant. (online)
  4. 1834, The Natural History of the Felinae, (lions, tigers etc.) (Mammalia Vol. II) by William Jardine, with a memoir of Georges Cuvier. (online)
  5. 1834, The Natural History of Gallinaceous birds, (peacockspheasantsturkeys, etc.) (Ornithology Vol. III), by William Jardine, with a memoir of Aristotle. (online)
  6. 1835, The Natural History of Fishes of the Perch family, (Ichthyology Vol. I), by William Jardine, with a memoir of Sir Joseph Banks. (online)
  7. 1835, British Butterflies, (Entomology Vol. III) by James Duncan, with a memoir of Abraham Gottlob Werner.(online)
  8. 1836, The Natural History of Parrots, (Ornithology Vol. VI), by Prideaux John Selby, with plates by Edward Lear and a memoir of Thomas Bewick.
  9. 1836, MammaliaPachydermes, Vol. V., by William Jardine, with a Memoir of Sir Hans Sloane. (online)
  10. 1836: Entomology: British MothsSphinxes, &c., Vol. IV., by James Duncan, with a Memoir of Madam Maria Sibylla Merian (online)
  11. 1837, Mammalia: On the Ordinary Cetacea or Whales, Vol. VI, by William Jardine, with a Memoir of Bernard Germain de Lacépède. (online)
  12. 1837. The Natural History of Foreign Butterflies, Entomology, Vol. V., by James Duncan, with a Memoir of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. (online)
  13. 1837. The Natural History of the Birds of Western Africa, Vol. II., Ornithology, Vol. VIII, by William John Swainson, with a Memoir of François Levaillant. (online)
  14. 1838. The Natural History of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, Part I. Birds of PreyOrnithology, Vol. IX., by William Jardine, with a memoir of Sir Robert Sibbald. (online)
  15. 1844, The Natural History of Game Birds, Vol. XXI, (Ornithology Vol. XIII), by William Jardine, with a memoir of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (online)
  16. 1852, Natural History of Beetles, Vol. XXXV, (Entomology), by James Duncan, with a memoir of John Ray. (online)
  17. Pigeons, (Ornithology Vol. IX), by Prideaux John Selby, with a memoir of Pliny the Elder. (online)
  18. 1866, MammaliaDeerAntelopesCamels, &c., Vol. XXI, by William Jardine, with a Memoir of Petrus Camper. (online)
  19. 1866, MammaliaGoats, Sheep, Oxen, &C, Vol. XXII, by William Jardine, with a Memoir of John Hunter. (online)
  20. 1866, OrnithologyParrots, Vol. X, by Prideaux John Selby, with a Memoir of Thomas Bewick. (online)
  21. 1862. Ornithology: Birds of Western Africa, Part I, Vol. XI., by William John Swainson, with a Memoir of James Bruce. (online)
  22. 1838, Flycatchers or Muscicapidae, The Natural Arrangement and Relations, Thirty-three Coloured Plates, Vol.X, by William John Swainson, with Portrait and Memoir of Albrecht von Haller. (online)
  23. 1838, British Quadrupeds, A History of, by William MacGillivray, with a Portrait and Memoir of Ulysses Aldrovandi. (online)
  24. 1839, Amphibious Carnivora; including the Walrus and Seals, and the Herbivorous CetaceaMermaids, &c., Vol.VII by Robert Hamilton, with Portrait and Memoir of François Péron. (online)
  25. 1866, Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, Part II., Vol.II Ornithology, edited by William Jardine, with Portrait and Memoir of William Smellie. (online)
  26. 1839, Dogs, Canidae or Genus Canis of Authors, including The Genera Hyaena and Proteles, Vol. I., Mammalia Vol.IX, by Lieut-Col. Chas Hamilton Smith, with Portrait and Memoir of Peter Simon Pallas. (online)
  27. 1859, EntomologyBees. Vol.XXXIV Edited by William Jardine, with a Portrait and Memoir of François Huber. (online)
  28. 1843, Ichthyology. Fishes, particularly their Structure and Economical Uses, &c, by John Stevenson Bushnan, with Portrait and Memoir of Hippolito Salviani. (online)
  29. 1840, Dogs, Canidae or Genus Canis of Authors, including The Genera Hyaena and Proteles, Vol. II., Mammalia Vol.X, by Lieut-Col. Chas Hamilton Smith, with Portrait and Memoir of Don Felix D'azara. (online)
  30. 1840, Introduction to Entomology, Vol.I, by James Duncan, with Memoirs of John Swammerdam and Charles De Geer, and Portrait of the latter. (online)
  31. 1841, Marsupialia or Pouched Animals, Mammalia Vol. XI, by G. R. Waterhouse, with a Memoir and Portrait of Dr. John BarClay. (online)
  32. 1841, Horses. The Equidae or Genus Equus of Authors. Mammalia XII, by Lieut-Col. Chas Hamilton SmithThirty-five Coloured Plates, with Portrait and Memoir of Conrad Gessner. (online)
  33. 1841. IchthyologyFishes of Guiana, Part I., Vol.III, by Robert H. Schomburgk with an autobiographical Portrait and Account, together with his Voyages and Travels. (online)
  34. 1841, Entomology. Exotic Moths, Vol. VII, by James Duncan, with Portrait and Memoir of Pierre André Latreille. (online)
  35. 1842, Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, Part III. Rasores and Grallatores, Vol.III Ornithology, edited by William Jardine, with Portrait and Memoir of John Walker, D.D. (online)
  36. 1842, An Introduction to Mammalia, Vol.XIII, by Lieut Col Charles Hamilton Smith with Portrait and Memoir of Dru Drury. (online)
  37. 1864, Nectarinidae, or Sun-Birds, by William Jardine, with a Portrait and Memoir of Francis Willughby. (online)
  38. 1860, IchthyologyBritish Fishes, Vol. XXXVI. Part. I, by Robert Hamilton, with a Portrait and Memoir of William Rondelet. (online)
  39. 1833, IchthyologyBritish Fishes, Vol. XXXVII. Part. II, by Robert Hamilton, with Portrait and Memoir of Alexander von Humboldt. (online)
  40. 1843. IchthyologyFishes of Guiana, Part II., by Robert H. Schomburgk with, Portrait and Memoir of John Lewis Burckhardt. (online)
  41. 1860, Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, Part IV, by William Jardine, with a Portrait and Memoir of Alexander Wilson, D.D. (online)" 

"Jardine made natural history available to all levels of Victorian society by editing the hugely popular forty volumes of The Naturalist's Library (1833–1843) issued and published by his brother in law, the Edinburgh printer and engraver, William Home Lizars.[11] The series was divided into four main sections: Ornithology (14 volumes), Mammalia (13 volumes), Entomology (7 volumes), and Ichthyology (6 volumes); each prepared by a leading naturalist. James Duncan wrote the insect volumes. The artists responsible for the illustrations included Edward Lear. The work was published in Edinburgh by W. H. Lizars." (Wikipedia article on William Jardine, accessed 03-2018).

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy › Primatology, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 7092

Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae. A general catalogue of all books, tracts, and memoirs on zoology and geology by Louis Agassiz. Corrected, enlarged and edited by H. E. Strickland. 4 vols. Vol. 4 edited by Strickland and Jardine.

London: The Ray Society, 18481854.

Digital facsimile of the 4 vols. from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographical Classics, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Natural History, ZOOLOGY