An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025


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Bibliography of fossil vertebrates: The indexed published literature of vertebrate paleontology, 1509-1993.

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19401993.

"The Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates (BFV) aimed to index the world literature of vertebrate paleontology. Although no compilation can ever be complete, the BFV attempted to include every published scientific work that mentioned vertebrate fossils. In addition, it included works that dealt with closely related subjects such as evolutionary theory, geology, and the history of science, where relevant. Articles from newspapers and popular magazines were not included; nevertheless, the total number of references to books and published articles is in the neighborhood of 200,000.  The bibliographies indexed literature by taxonomy, geologic age, geography and subject areas, although the indexing changed over the years. The contents of those bibliographies have been converted to a database that can be searched using subject and taxonomic indexes, covering the literature from 1509-1993.

"The Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates was compiled and published as a series of volumes, beginning with the 1928-1933 Camp, et al., volume published in 1940 (see below). However, this volume continued the work begun by O. P. Hay and his colleagues, who had published two previous retrospective volumes covering the literature of North American vertebrate paleontology, in 1902 and 1929. The Camp volumes were published by the Geological Society of America. In 1962, A. S. Romer, et al. (see below) compiled a massive bibliography to complement the Hay volumes, covering the non-North American published literature up to the point when the BFV series proper was begun.

"In the early 1970s, the BFV indexing was done under a cooperative agreement by the SVP, the American Geological Institute (AGI) and the University of California Museum of Paleontology, under the supervision of J. T. Gregory, and the references incorporated into AGI's GeoRef.

"Publication of the series resumed in 1983, with a compilation of the AGI references in the 1973-1977, 1978 and 1979 volumes. The 1980-1993 volumes were supported by the SVP and the University of California Museum of Paleontology. The increasing indexing of vertebrate paleontological literature in computerized indexes, and the increasing costs of indexing caused the SVP to cease publication of the BFV in 1996. A demonstration project of the BFV Online, created by John Damuth in 1994, proved successful, and the SVP supported its expansion. A grant from the Dinosaur Society permitted keystroking of the references from the older printed volumes, which have been added to the database." (

Individual volumes were published as follows, after which annual volumes appeared through 1993:

Hay, O. P. 1902. Bibliography and Catalogue of Fossil Vertebrata of North America. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 179, 868 pp.
Hay, O. P. 1929. Second Bibliography and Catalogue of Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication no. 390, vol. 1, 916 pp.
Romer, A. S., N. E. Wright, T. Edinger and R. van Frank (eds). 1962. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates Exclusive of North America. The Geological Scoiety of America, GSA Memoir 87.
Camp, C. L. and V. L. Vanderhoof (eds). 1940. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1928-1933. The Geological Society of America, GSA Special Paper 27.
Camp, C. L., D. N. Taylor and S. P. Welles (eds). 1942. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1934-1938. The Geological Society of America, GSA Special Paper 42.
Camp, C. L., S. P. Welles, M. Green (eds). 1949. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1939-1943. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 37.
Camp, C. L., S. P. Welles, M. Green (eds). 1953. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1944-1948. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 57.
Camp, C. L. and H. J. Allison (eds). 1961. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1949-1953. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 84.
Camp, C. L., H. J. Allison and R. H. Nichols (eds). 1964. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1954-1958. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 92.
Camp, C. L., H. J. Allison, R. H. Nichols and H. McGinnis  (eds). 1968. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1959-1963. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 117.
Camp, C. L., R. H. Nichols, B. Brajnikov, E. Fulton and J. A. Bacskai (eds). 1972. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1964-1968. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 134.
Gregory, J. T., J. A. Bacskai, B. Brajnikov and K. Munthe (eds). 1973. Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1969-1972. The Geological Society of America, GSA Memoir 141.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Online Access Catalogues & Bibliographic Databases, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution, NATURAL HISTORY, ZOOLOGY › History of Zoology