An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 2, 2025

PLARR, Victor Gustave

1 entries
  • 6730

Plarr’s lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; Plarr's lives of the Fellows Online.

Bristol: John Wright & Sons, 1930.

Publication began with the first 2 vols. edited after Plarr's death by D'Arcy Power with the assistance of W. G. Spencer and G. E. Gask, 1930. Supplement, 1930-51, by Sir D’Arcy Power and W. R. LeFanu, 1953. Second supplement, 1952-64, by R.H.O.B. Robinson and W. R. LeFanu, 1970. Third supplement. 1965-73 by Sir J. Paterson Ross and W. R. LeFanu, 1981. Fourth supplement, 1974-82 by E.H. Cornelius and S.F. Taylor, 1988.

"Plarr’s Lives of the Fellows is a biographical register of the fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. With over 9000 obituaries now available online, and more being added every month, it not only serves as a record of the evolution of surgery, but also an important archive for English social history.

"Victor Plarr (1863-1929), who was the college librarian from 1897 until his death, produced the first two printed volumes which were published after his death in 1930. Nine print volumes were produced with the last one published in 2005. These covered all those fellows (FRCS) who were known to have died between 1843, when the FRCS was established, and 2002. In 2006, the Lives Online website was set up and entries began to be uploaded for all those fellows who had died since 2002.

"In January 2016, the last obituaries published in printed volumes one to nine were put online, a project eight years in the making. However, if you know of a fellow who died before 2002 and is not listed on this website, please do let us know.

"The Lives of the Fellows team continue to add entries for newly deceased fellows on a monthly basis" (, accessed 03-2017).

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Reference Works Digitized and Online, BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works), SURGERY: General › History of Surgery, Societies and Associations, Medical