SCHÜFFNER, Wilhelm August Paul
2 entries
Das Oleum chenopodii anthelmintici gegen Ankylostomiasis im Vergleich zu anderen Wurmmitteln.Trans. Int. Congr. Hyg. Demogr., Washington 1, 734-39, 1912, 1913.Schüffner and Vervoort introduced oil of chenopodium for the treatment of ankylostomiasis as early as 1900. Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › DISEASES DUE TO METAZOAN PARASITES › Hookworm Disease |
Het voorkomen van een afwijkend Leptospira-ras in Nederland.Ned. T. Geneesk., 77, 4271-76, 1933.Leptospira canicola first isolated (1913) from the urine of a dog. Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Spirochetes › Leptospira, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Leptospiroses, VETERINARY MEDICINE |