An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

HEBERDEN, William, Sr.

6 entries
  • 1831

Aνтιθηεριακά. An essay on mithridatium and theriaka.

London, 1745.

Heberden’s first printed work. His criticism of current superstitions conceming these two concoctions resulted ultimately in their removal from the pharmacopoeia. No publisher's name appears on the title page. Digital facsimile from at this link.

  • 1692.1

A collection of the yearly bills of mortality, from 1657 to 1758 inclusive. Together with several other bills of an earlier date. To which are subjoined I. Natural and political observations on the bills of mortality; by Capt. John Graunt, F.R.S. reprinted from the sixth edition, in 1676. II. Another essay in political arithmetic, concerning the growth of city of London; with the measures, periods, causes, and consequences thereof. By Sir William Petty, Kt. F.R.S. reprinted from the edition printed at London in 1683. III. Observations on the past growth and present state of the city of London; reprinted from the edition printed at London in 175.1; with a continuation of the tables to the end of the year 1756. By Corbyn Morris Esq; F.R.S. IV. A comparative view of the diseases and ages, and a table of the probabilities of life, for the last thirty years. By J[ames] P[ostlethwayt] Esq; F.R.S.

London: A. Millar, 1759.

The only collected edition of early bills of mortality, which were generally published as broadsides and are not available separately. Includes reprints of Nos. 1686 and 1688. This work has traditionally been attributed to Thomas Birch, but Hull (1899) gives strong evidence that Heberden was the author.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics
  • 5831

Of the night-blindness or nyctalopia.

Med. Trans. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1, 60-63, 1768.

A classic description of nyctalopia. Report of a single case.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Diseases of the Eye
  • 5438

On the chickenpox.

Med. Trans. Coll. Phys. Lond., 1, 427-36, 1768.

In a paper read before the (Royal) College of Physicians on 11 August 1767, Heberden first definitely differentiated chickenpox from smallpox.

  • 2887

Some account of a disorder of the breast.

Med. Trans. Coll. Phys. Lond., 2, 59-67, 1772.

This classic description of angina pectoris is the substance of a paper read on July 21, 1768. Although descriptions of angina are to be found in the works of earlier writers, these mention only dyspnoea in their cases. The merit of Herberden’s account (in which, incidently, he used the name “angina pectoris”) lies in the fact that he was the first to include a description of the paroxysmal oppression in the thorax. Reprinted with other writings by Heberden in An Introduction to the Study of Physic, New York, 1929.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 2207
  • 3053
  • 4491

Commentarii de morborum historia et curatione.

London: T. Payne, 1802.

Samuel Johnson called Heberden “the last of our learned physicians”. The above work included all his important papers, which had earned him his great reputation, and which are dealt with elsewhere in this database (see Nos. 2887, 2291, 5438, 5831). Heberden's book was published posthumously by Heberden’s son, and at once acquired a European reputation; “it had the distinction of being the last important medical treatise written in Latin” (Rolleston). An English translation also appeared in 1802. Chap. 78 reports two cases of anaphylactoid (abdominal) purpura. Henoch (No. 3065) and Schönlein (No. 3058) established this condition as a distinct entity. In his chapter De nodis digitorum Heberden described a form of rheumatic gout in which nodules (“Heberden’s nodes”) appeared at the interphalangeal joints of the fingers. Heberden's introduction to the book, written in 1767, was not published until the 4th edition (1816).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris, HEMATOLOGY › Blood Disorders, Medicine: General Works, RHEUMATOLOGY › Gout (Podagra)