An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025


4 entries
  • 7437

The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, R. N., during the years 1832 to 1836. Edited by Charles Darwin. 5 pts in 3 vols.

London: Smith, Elder, 18401843.

Part 1: Fossil mammalia by Richard Owen; Part 2: Mammalia by George Waterhouse; Part 3: Birds by John Gould; Part 4: Fish by Leonard Jenyns; Part 5: Reptiles by Thomas Bell. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.


Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Ecuador, EVOLUTION, NATURAL HISTORY, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Herpetology, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 9167

The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Sulphur, under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher during the years 1836-42. Edited and superintended by Richard Brinsley Hinds. Vol. 1: Mammalia by J.E. Gray; Birds by J. Gould; Fish by J. Richardson. Vol. 2.: Mollusca by R. B. Hinds.

London: Smith, Elder, 18431844.

Digital facsimile from the Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology, ZOOLOGY › Malacology, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13425

Catalogue of the ornithological library of the late John Gould.

London: Puttick and Simpson, 1881.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13179

John Gould, the bird man. A chronology and bibliography by Gordon C. Sauer.

Lawrence, KA: University of Kansas Press, 1982.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology