An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16032 entries, 14099 authors and 1944 subjects. Updated: October 19, 2024

Browse by Publication Year 1610–1619

29 entries
  • 5568

Thesaurus chirurgiae.

Frankfurt: Typ N. Hoffmanni, imp. J. Fischeri, 1610.

An anthology of 16th century writers; a good summary of the surgical knowledge of that period.

Subjects: SURGERY: General
  • 380

De anatome corporis humani libri vii.

Venice: Juntas, 1611.

Guidi, professor of philosophy and medicine at Pisa, discovered the Vidian nerve, the Vidian canal, and the Vidian artery. The above was edited by his nephew.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration
  • 6964

Anatomicae institutiones corporis humani.

Bechtold Raabeth, 1611.

The elder Caspar Bartholin was the first to describe the workings of the olfactory nerve, and introduced the terms nervus olfactorius and nervus vagus. This was a standard textbook for many years, undergoing numerous editions. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy
  • 572.2

Commentaria in artem medicinalem Galeni.

Venice: Jocobus Antonius Somaschus, 1612.

First printed mention of the air thermometer, an instrument that played a vital part in the creation of static medicine. This device was similar to Galileo’s open-air thermoscope, of which Santorio may have known, but he was the first to transform the thermoscope into a thermometer by adding a scale with fixed reference points

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Thermometer, PHYSIOLOGY
  • 9518

Traité des hermaphrodits parties génitales accouchements des femmes et traitement qui est requis pour les relever en santé, et bien élever leurs enfants. Où sont expliquez la figure des laboureur, et verger du genre humain, signes de pucelage, defloration, conception, et la belle industrie dont use nature en la promotion du concept et plante prolifique.

Rouen: David Geuffroy, 1612.

In 1601 the Rouen physician Duval was summoned by the Rouen parlement to examine Marie Le Marcis, who at the age of 20 had discovered she was a man and had determined to marry, only to be imprisoned for lesbianism and condemned to death. Upon inspection, Duval's medical colleagues concluded that Le Marcis was a woman, but Duval, driven both by curiosity and sympathy, conducted a more intimate examination which, while scandalizing his peers, revealed evidence of a male reproductive organ. Classified by Duval as a 'gynanthrope', Le Marcis was saved, took the name Marin, and lived henceforth as a man. Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

Digital facsimile of the 1880 reprint of the 1612 work from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 9512

Hortus Eystettensis: Sive, diligens et accurata omnium plantarum, florum, stirpium, ex variis orbis terrae partibus, singulari studio collectarum, quae in celeberrimis viridariis arcem episcopalem ibidem cingentibus, hoc tempore conspiciuntur, delineatio et aduiuum repræsentatio.

Nuremberg, 1613.

"The Hortus Eystettensis is itself a ‘paper museum’, a pictorial record of the flowers grown in the greatest German garden of its time, that of the Prince Bishop of Eichstätt, Johann Conrad von Gemmingen. As part of a radical building programme at his seat, the Willibaldsburg castle overlooking the river Altmühl, the Prince Bishop created an extensive pleasure garden comprising eight separate gardens, each staffed with its own gardeners and each filled with flowers from a different country, imported through the international centres of Amsterdam, Antwerp and Brussels; the Prince Bishop boasted of having tulips in 500 colours. Painted halls and pleasure rooms further adorned the gardens. The great German botanist, Joachim Camerarius the Younger, advised the Prince Bishop on the garden's early design, and it may have been Camerarius's own manuscript florilegium (sold, Christie's, 20 May 1992, lot 151) which first suggested the creation of a pictorial record of the Eichstätt gardens to the Prince Bishop. After Camerarius's death, a Nuremberg apothecary, Basilius Besler, advised on the gardens, and it was he who undertook immortalising the garden in detailed and delicate engravings for the year-round enjoyment of his patron and for posterity in the Hortus Eystettensis. Flowers were drawn from life with flower boxes sent to Nuremberg so that artists there could work from fresh specimens, with the result that these plant portraits serve both as documentation and pleasure; here is a garden made perennial and evergreen. 

"The first edition was published in two issues: one with descriptive text printed on the verso of each plate and one without the text; in a few copies of the latter issue the text was printed on separate sheets and interleaved with the plates. As Barker observes, the issue without text backing the plates was undoubtedly intended to be coloured by hand; the versos were left blank, to ensure that no shadow of the printed text could detract from the botanical image. It is significant that many of the deluxe copies have no descriptive text at all. The first edition was limited to 300 copies, each of which carried a premium price. While uncoloured copies were available for 35 florins (rising to 48), coloured copies cost 500 florins. Herzog August of Braunschweig exclaimed in disbelief over the price of a coloured copy, but acquired one nonetheless, once he was assured that he had indeed understood the price correctly. 

"Despite much interest in the work and numerous documentary sources, much mystery still surrounds its publication. Neither the printer of the engraved plates nor of the letterpress text has been identified. Barker has tentatively suggested Paul Kauffmann as the printer of the text, with material acquired at Frankfurt through the offices of the printseller and publisher Balthasar Caimox expressly for printing the Hortus Eystettensis ('Who printed the text of the 'Hortus Eystettensis'?, The German Book, Studies presented to David L. Paisey, ed. J.L. Flood and W.A. Kelly, London: 1995, pp185-192). David Paisey has observed that if the watermark is read (as Briquet did) as a pine-cone within an armorial shield, then it may be the arms of Augsburg, which further points to Wolfgang Kilian's shop at Augsburg as responsible for the engravings (cf. Paisey's review of Barker's Hortus Eystettensis, in The Library, 6th series, vol. 17, pp.365-8). The original drawings used in preparing the plates for publication survive at the University of Erlangen, and 328 of the copperplates, long thought to have been melted at the Munich mint c.1820, were rediscovered in the Albertina Graphische Sammlung at Vienna in 1998" (,  accessed 9-2017).

 Barker, Hortus Eystettensis, the Bishop's Garden and Besler's Magnificent Book, 2nd ed. London, 1995. Hortus Eystettensis: zur Gechichte eines Gartens und einer Buches (Schriften der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg 20), Munich: 1989; The Garden at Eichstätt, The Book of Plants by Basilius Besler. Intro. by Klaus Walter Littger. Cologne, London, etc: [1999]. 

Subjects: BOTANY › Botanical Gardens, BOTANY › Botanical Illustration, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 11237

Catoptri micorcosmici absolutam admirandae partium hominis creaturarum divinarum praestantissimi fabricae eximio artificio sculptam structuram revidendam exhibentis. Engraved by Stephan Michelspacher.

[Place of Publication Not Identified]: [No publisher identified], 1613.

Three large anatomical plates with numerous flaps, in the tradition of fugitive sheets, but larger and more complex. The first edition was issued anonymously without identifying the place of publication or the publisher. The engraver, Stephan Michelspacher, is sometimes identified as the publisher. The first edition was followed by numerous editions in Latin, in German, Dutch, and in English. See Russell, A bibliography of Johann Remmelin the anatomist (1991).

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration
  • 13260

Opticorum libri sex philosophis juxta ac mathematicis utiles.

Antwerp: Ex officina Plantiniana, 1613.

This work, beautifully printed by the Plantin-Moretus Press, includes an engraved title page and illustrations heading each chapter by Peter Paul Rubens. It contains one of the first studies of binocular vision. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Physiology of Vision, Optics
  • 573

Ars…de statica medicina aphorismorum sectionibus septem comprehensa.

Venice: apud N. Polum, 1614.

This collection of aphorisms is the work by which Santorio’s ideas became widely known. Santorio used a beam balance to measure metabolism. See also nos. 572.1 & 572.2. For description of his experiments, see No. 2668. English translations by Abdiah Cole (1663), John Davies (1676), and others.

  • 2119

Consilium Peripneumoniacum: Das ist Ein getrewer Rath in der beschwerlichen Berg und Lungensucht : darinnen verfasset, was die fürnemsten Ursachen seyn beyderley Beschwerungen, beydes der gifftigen, die vom Bergwerck entstehet: so wol der gemeinen, die von Flüssen herrühret: Zuvor aber, wie der Mensch mit der kleinen Welt, und mit dem Bergwerck artlich zu vergleichen, und wie beyde Suchten zu vertreiben seyn.

Leipzig: Thomas Schürer, 1614.

Martin Pansa, a pupil of Georg Agricola, wrote the most important work on occupational disease before Ramazzini. He described the symptoms of the lung diseases of miners and smelters. Digital facsimile from the Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

  • 1759

Medicus-politicus: Sive de officiis medico-politicis tractatus.

Hamburg: Ex bibliopolio Frobeniano, 1614.

One of the first “modern” works on medical ethics. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Ethics, Biomedical, Jews and Medicine
  • 3789
  • 4297.9
  • 4511.1

Observationum in hominis affectibus plerisque, corpori & animo, functionum laesione, dolore, aliave molestia & vitio incommodantibus, libri tres.

Basel: L. König, 1614.

First known report of a case of death from hypertrophy of the thymus, in an infant, is reported on p. 172; it is reproduced on p. 239 of J. Ruhräh’s Pediatrics of the past, New York, 1925. Platter first described flexion contracture deformity of the fingers (“Dupuytren’s contracture”) in Liber I, p. 140. On p. 13 he provided the first description of an intracranial tumor —a meningioma. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY, GENETICS / HEREDITY › GENETIC DISORDERS › Dupuytren's Contracture, NEUROLOGY › Brain & Spinal Tumors, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hand / Wrist, PEDIATRICS
  • 13381

Discours sur les hermaphrodits. Où il est demonstré contre l'opinion commune, qui'il n'y a point de vrays hermaphrodits.

Paris: Pierre Ramier, 1614.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

Subjects: SEXUALITY / Sexology › Intersex
  • 13382

Responce au discours fait par le sieur Riolan docteur en medecine & professeur en chirurgie & pharmacie à Paris, contre l'Histoire de l'hermaphrodit de Rouen.

Rouen: Julian Courant, 1614.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

Subjects: SEXUALITY / Sexology › Intersex
  • 1820.1

Quatro libros. De la naturaleza, y virtudes de las plantas, y animales que estan receuidos en el vso de medicina en la Nueua España, y la methodo, y correccion, y preparacion, que para administrallas se requiere con lo que el doctor Francisco Hernandez escriuio en lengua latina. : Muy vtil para todo genero de gente q[ue] viue en esta[n]cias y pueblos, de no ay medicos, ni botica.Traduzido, y aumentados muchos simples, y compuestos y otros muchos secretos curatiuos, por Fr. Francisco Ximenes....

Mexico: Viuda de Lopez Davalos, 1615.

Physician to Philip II of Spain, Hernández travelled to Mexico by order of the king, and studied the natural history of the region from 1570-77. His Works, which filled six folio volumes of text and 10 volumes of paintings of animals and plants, were deposited in the library of the Escorial, and in Mexico City, but never published in Hernández’s lifetime. Many of them were lost. A manuscript of this summary in Latin, edited for the king by N. A. de Recchi, found its way to Mexico where it was revised, augmented, translated into Spanish-Aztec, and published by Francisco Ximénez, a friar and nurse at the Convent of San Domingo de Mexico. It was the second printed work on the natural history, plants, and botanic medicines of Mexico issued in the New World. See Nos. 1819.1 & 1821.1. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link. Selections from Hernández's works were published as The Mexican Treasury. The Writings of Dr. Francisco Hernández. Edited by Simon Varey. Translated by Rafael Chabran, Cynthia L. Chamberlin and Simon Varey (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000).

Subjects: BOTANY, BOTANY › Ethnobotany, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Mexico, Latin American Medicine, NATURAL HISTORY, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines, ZOOLOGY
  • 2142

New Feldt Arztny Buch von Kranckheiten und Schäden, so in Kriegen den Wundartzten gemeinlich fürfallen.

Basel: L. König, 1615.

Fabry’s book includes an early description of a field drug chest for army use. He was one of the most eminent surgeons of his time, although not prepared to adopt all the teachings of Paré. He had considerable mechanical ingenuity and devised many pieces of apparatus. English translation, 1674.

  • 13123

Microcosmographia [In Greek]. A description of the body of man. Together with the controversies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius.

London: William Jaggard, 1615.

As the title page states, the work was a compilation. There were reissues in 1616 and 1618. The second edition (1631) included an engraved title page with the first illustration of a brain dissection. That edition also contained a section translating extracts from Paré's works describing and illustrating 53 surgical instruments this was the first translation of any of Paré's works into English.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 17th Century
  • 534.52

De monstrorum caussis, natura, & differentiis libri duo.

Padua: apud Casparem Crivellarium, 1616.

One of the earliest classifications of deformities, Liceti’s work was still under review in works on malformation in the 19th century. Includes both real and imaginary cases. The first of many illustrated editions appeared in Padua, 1634. The 1634 edition includes accurate descriptions of cases observed by Liceti in the years following the first edition issued in 1616. Digital facsimile of the 1634 edition from the Internet Archive at this link.

Translated into French as De la nature, des causes, des differences des monstres: D'après Fortunio Liceti. Traduit et résumé par le Dr. François Houssay. Préface du Dr. Louis Ombrédanne. Paris: Ed. Hippocrate, 1937.

  • 2092

De novo et populari apud Pictones dolore colico bilioso diatriba.

Poitiers: Apud Antonium Mesnier, 1616.

Citois described Poitou colic, “colica Pictonum”, in great detail, and it was this description which was responsible for the condition being recognized as a definite syndrome. Partial English translation in No. 2241.

Subjects: TOXICOLOGY › Lead Poisoning
  • 2143

De rara medicatione vulnerum.

Venice: apud A. & B. Dei, fratres, 1616.

Like Paré, Magati believed that gunshot wounds were not in themselves poisonous. He suggested a bandage moistened with plain water in place of the various salves then in vogue.

  • 3344

L’arte de’ cenni, con quale, formandosi favella visible, si tratta della muta eloquenza.

Vicenza: F. Grossi, 1616.

Bonifacio’s sign-language for the deaf and dumb employed almost every part of the body for conversational purposes.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education
  • 11498

Fasciculus rariorum et aspectu dignorum varii generis quae collegit et suis impensis aeri ad vivum incidi curavit atque evulgavit.

Nuremberg: [Privately Printed], 16161622.

Besler was the first to illustrate a natural history Wunderkammer in Germany. The engraved frontispiece  of this work, which Besler published himself, depicts Besler exhibiting the contents to a visitor. The first edition included 24 engraved plates. It was undated, but has been assigned the date of 1616 by most bibliographers. A chronogram date on the title page indicates 1622.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 2144
  • 3711

The surgions mate, or, A treatise discouering faithfully and plainely the due contents of the surgions chest: the uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of the medicines, the cures of the most frequent diseases at sea: namely, wounds, apostumes, vlcers, fistulaes, fractures, dislocations, with the true maner of amputation, the cure of the scuruie, the fluxes of the belly, of the collica and illiaca passio, tenasmus, and exitus ani, the callenture; with a briefe explanation of sal, sulphur, and mercury; with certaine characters, and tearmes of arte.

London: E. Griffin, 1617.

Woodall was the surgeon-general to the East India Company. This was the first textbook for naval surgeons. Woodall, surgeon to Saint Bartholomew's Hospital, was an early advocate of limes and lemons as a preventive measure against scurvy. The second edition (London, 1639) included the first edition of Woodall’s collected works, and an unusual and difficult to read chart of the many drugs that Woodall organized in his surgeon's chest. The enlarged edition was required reading for all naval surgeons in the East India Company. Facsimile reprint of the 1617 edition, with introduction and appendix by John Kirkup (Bath: Kingsmead Press, 1978). Biography by J. H. Appleby, Med. Hist., 1981, 25, 251-68. Digital facsimile of the 1617 edition from The Medical Heritage Library, Internet Archive, at this link.

Subjects: Maritime Medicine, NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Scurvy, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS
  • 13780

Discursus medico-philosophicus de casu adolescentis [...]: qui [...] mortuus in quodam paternarum aedium loco, adjacente ipsi serpente, à domesticis inventus fuit.

Strasbourg, France: Antonius Bertramus, 1617.

An extensively illustrated work on death from snake bites and species of venomous snakes instigated by the sudden death from snake bite of an otherwise healthy young man.
Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: TOXICOLOGY › Venoms, ZOOLOGY › Herpetology
  • 1821

Pharmacopoeia Londinensis.

London: E. Griffin for J. Marriott, 1618.

The first London pharmacopeia, issued by the (Royal) College of Physicians. The first edition was published on May 7, but contained many typographical errors; a corrected edition appeared on December 7, 1618. In the first issue the name of the publisher was printed “Marriot”. Facsimile reprint of both versions, with introduction by G. Urdang, Madison, 1944.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacopeias
  • 9052

Sitio, naturaleza y propriedades de la Ciudad de Mexico: Aguas y vientos a que esta suieta, y tiempos del año. Necessidad de su conocimiento para el exercicio de la medicina, su incertidumbre y difficultad sin el de la astrologia assi para la curacion como para los prognosticos.

Mexico: en casa de Bachiller Juan Blanco de Alcaçar, 1618.

The first book printed in Mexico with engraved illustrations.

Subjects: Bioclimatology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Mexico, Latin American Medicine
  • 10502

De affectionibus cordis. Libri tres. Qvorum primus agit de naturalibus. Secundus & tertius De preternaturalibus, de paliptatione nempe, & syncope, atque earum curatione.

Venice: Giovanni Guerilio, 1618.

The first book on heart disease. "The recognition of heart disease as of clinical interest and importance was exceedingly slow. In 1618, one hundred and eleven years after the pioneer publication of Benivieni of the postmortems in 111 postmortem examinations, including several of cardiovascular interest, and ten years before Harvey's De motu cordis there appeared a volume...written by Albertini.... Here at last with its imposing title, Albertini's book seemed to give promise in 1618 of something more.... Albertini did, to be sure, recognize the very fast pulse, the very slow pulse...and arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation although that designation was not, of course, used. Like others, he ascribed palpitation, faintness, and syncope to the heart and recognized reflex effects on the heart's action" (Paul Dudley White, Heart disease, 4th ed., p. 3). Digital facsimile from Google books at this link.

  • 1480

Oculus, hoc est: fundamentum opticum.

Innsbruck: apud D. Agricolam, 1619.

Scheiner, a Jesuit astronomer, was a pioneer in physiological optics. He demonstrated how images fall on the human retina, noting the change in curvature of the lens during accommodation, and devised the pin-hole test (“Scheiner’s test”) to illustrate accommodation and refraction.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Physiology of Vision, Optometry › Vision Tests
  • 13147

Procestria anatomica in quibus propununtur plaeraque ad generalem anatomia & partium contemplationeum attinent; quaedam etiam infimi ventris mebra explicantur; et Andreae Laurenti Historia anatomica multis locis castigatur & corrigitur.

Hamburg: Paul Lang, 1619.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link. Peter Lauremberg edited the first edition of this anonymous Byzantine text on anatomy. The first illustrated edition was edited by Johann Stephan Bernard and Daniel Wilhelm Triller, and published as Anonymi Introductio Anatomica.... Leiden: Phillipp Bonk, 1744. Digital facsimile of the 1744 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Ancient Anatomy (BCE to 5th Century CE), BYZANTINE MEDICINE