An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16032 entries, 14099 authors and 1944 subjects. Updated: October 19, 2024

Browse by Publication Year 1520–1529

27 entries
  • 8344

[Vol. 1:] Primus Avi. Canon. Avicenna, medicorum principis, Canonum liber (translatus a Gerardo Cremonensi), una cum lucidissima Gentilis Fulgi. expositione, qui merito is Speculator appellatus, additis annotationibus omnium auctoritatum and priscorum and recentiorum auctorum (edente Barthomomeo Tantuccio) .... - [Vol. 2:] Secundus Canon Avic., Cum exquisitissima Gentilis Fulg. expositione. Demum Plinii auctoritates, secundum annotata capita in de Simplicibus nuperrime addite. - [Vol.3:] Tertius Can. Avic., Cum amplissima Gentilis Fulgi. expositione. Demum commentaria nuper addita, videlicet Jacobi de Partibus super "Fen" VI and XIIII. Item Jo. Matthei de Gradi super "Fen" XXII, quia Gentilis in eis defecit. - [Vol. 4:]: Secunda pars Gentilis super tertio Avic. Cum supplementis Jacobi de Partibus, Parisiensis, ac Joannis Matthei de Gradi, Mediolanensis, ubi Gentilis vel breviter vel tacite pertransivit. - [Vol.5:] Quartus Canon Avicenna, cum preclara Gentilis Fulginatis exhibits. Thadei item Florentini expositio super secunda "Fen" ejusdem. Gentilis Florentini iterum super duos primos tractatus quinte "Fen". Quintus etiam Canon, cum ejusdem Gentilis Fulginatis lucidissima exhibits. Canticorum liber, cum commento Averroys, translatus ex arabico a magistro Armegando Blasii, Libellus de Viribus cordis translatus ab Arnaldo de Villanova). Omnia accuratissime revisa atque castigata ....

Venice: apud heredes O. Scoti, 15201522.

The commentary by Gentile da Foligno upon Avicenna's Canon was among the most influential medical texts of the Later Middle Ages. See Roger K. French, Canonical medicine: Gentile da Foligno and scholasticism (Leiden: Brill, 2001).

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Persian Islamic Medicine
  • 12772

Sesuyt le debat de l'home et de la femme; avec une ioyeuse medecie pour les dentz.

Paris, circa 1520.

The last of the three poems in this collection may not be by Guillaume Alexis. It may be translated as "A joyful medicine for the teeth". Assuming that it was printed about 1520, it is the first printed text on dental health, and the first ever reference to dentistry in a printed book title. The only institutional copies recorded are in the British Library and the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

  • 367
  • 6010

Commentaria cum amplissimis additionibus super anatomia Mundini una cum textu ejusdem in pristinum et verum nitorem redacto.

Bologna: imp. Per H. de Benedictis, 1521.

Giacomo Berengario da Carpi (Jacobus Berengarius Carpensis, Jacopo Barigazzi, Giacomo Berengario da Carpi or simply Carpus) introduced iconography and independent anatomical observation into the teaching of anatomy. His Commentaria, a thick quarto of over 1000 pages, included 21 full-page woodcut text illustrations plus an architectural title-border, which included an image of a dissection scene. It was the first work since the time of Galen to display any considerable amount of anatomical information based upon personal investigation and observation. The Commentaria contains the first mention of the vermiform appendix, as well as the first good account of the thymus. The description of the male and female reproductive organs, the process of reproduction and the fetus were more extensive than any earlier account, and Berengario was the first to call attention to the greater proportional capacity of the female pelvis to the male pelvis. On fol. ccxxv Berengario gives the first authentic report of vaginal hysterectomy for prolapse. He describes two cases, one performed by himself in 1507 and the other by his father.  

For further details see the entry in at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration, ART & Medicine & Biology, Genito-Urinary System, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › GYNECOLOGY › Hysterectomy
  • 368

Isagoge breves perlucide ac uberime in anatomiam humani corporis a communi medicorum academia usitatam.

Bologna: B. Hectoris, 1522.

One year after publishing his Commentary on MondinoGiacomo Berengario da Carpi issued an abbreviated version or Isagoge, with most of the same woodcuts. This was the book by which Berengario's contributions to anatomy and to the teaching of anatomy chiefly becamely known. Berengario intended the Isagoge to be a manual for his students, and as a replacement for his obsolete 1514 edition of Mondino's Anathomia. It has the same arrangement of contents as the Commentaria, and includes some additional anatomical observations, such as the report of a fused kidney with horseshoe configuration seen at a public dissection in 1521, and a description of the valves of the heart.

In 1523 Berengario issued a revised and expanded second edition of his Isagoge, containing three more anatomical woodcuts, as well as some revisions to the illustrations that had appeared in the first edition; these alterations and additions emphasized the anatomy of the heart and brain, and included the first published view of the cerebral ventricles from an actual dissection. The architectural title-border was first used in Berengario's Commentaria (1521); here, it has been altered to read "Maria" instead of "Leo P.X.," and Berengario's surname "Carpus" appears both in the architrave and the vignette. The shield has also been altered to read "YHS." English translation by L. R. Lind, Chicago, 1959. The second edition (1523) contains 3 more anatomical woodcuts depicting the heart and brain. 

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration, ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease
  • 2665

De morborum symptomatis.

London: R. Pynson, 1522.

This volume of Galen’s selected works includes Thomas Linacre’s Latin translation of De symptomatum differentiis.

  • 2118

Von den gifftigen besen Tempffen und Reuchen.

Augsburg: M. Ramminger, 1524.

Written in 1473 but not published until 1524, this pamphlet on the diseases of miners is the first known work on industrial hygiene and toxicology. A reprint of the text appears in Münch. Beitr. Lit. Naturwiss. Med., 1927, 2, Sonderheft; and an English translation in Lancet, 1932, 1, 270-71. A separate reprint edition was also published: Von den gifftigen besen tempffen und reuchen. Eine gewerbe-hygienische schrift des XV. Jahrhunderts. (Munich: Verlag der Münchner Drucke, 1927). 

  • 368.01

The noble experyence of the vertuous handywarke of surgeri.

London: Peter Treveris, 1525.

This translation of Brunschwig’s surgery (No. 5559) includes the first anatomical text printed in English, a 13-page section with 4 woodcuts. Facsimile, Amsterdam, 1973.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century, SURGERY: General
  • 1799

Here begynnyth a new mater, the whiche sheweth and treateth of ye vertues & proprytes of herbes, the whiche is called an Herball.

London: Rycharde Banckes, 1525.

Earliest English printed herbal. Published anonymously, it is usually referred to as “Banckes’ Herbal”, after its publisher, Rycharde Banckes. The text was derived from a medieval manuscript, and although the work had no claim to originality it was the basis of most English herbals until Turner, No. 1811. Only two copies are known. Reproduced with modern transcription by S. V. Larkey and T. Pyles, New York, 1941.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › England (United Kingdom), PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 1800

Sumario de la natural historia de las Indias.

Toledo: R. de Petras, 1525.

First known description of the medicinal plants of Central America. Oviedo first described chigoe (“jiggers”?) in this book. "The book is divided into 86 chapters, focused mostly on American flora and fauna. It begins with a preface dedicated to Carlos V , in which he mentions what issues are discussed in his book. The first chapter is devoted to navigation, and subsequent chapters deal with different geographical and social aspects of the Spanish island , Cuba and Terra Firma . The chapters of the terrestrial fauna begin in the XI with the tiger, and from the XXVII they focus on the birds. From XLIX to LXI, they talk about the smaller animals, like some insects, snakes, lizards and toads. Chapter LXII begins the descriptions of the flora and their respective fruits, which conclude with the LXXX. The last six sections refer to different curiosities, such as mining or fishing, ending with a final dedication to the emperor of Spain" (Wikipedia).  A 3-volume edition was published at Madrid in 1851-53.

  • 27

Librorum pars prima [-quinta] … 5 vols.

Venice: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Asulani Soceri, 1525.

Greek editio princeps of Galen's complete works in Greek, edited by the Paduan professor G. B. Oppizzoni [Opizo] with the help of John Clement , Edward Wotton, William Rose (ca. 1490-1525), and Thomas Lupset, all Engishmen and followers of Thomas Linacre, and the Saxon Georg Agricola of De re metallica fame. The work was published by Andrea Torresano, a printer who operated the Aldine press for Aldus's sons, who were then too young to run the press.

A Greek physician working in Rome, Galen's many writings in Greek dominated Byzantine, Arabic, medieval and even Renaissance medicine for over a millenium, being superseded in anatomy only with Vesalius, in physiology with Harvey, and in pathology with Boerhaave. The surviving writings of Galen also represent 25% of all that remains of ancient Greek literature.

Issuing this set in one year must have been an absolutely immense challenge for the publisher. The first volume was devoted to Galen's writings on physiology and anatomy, the second to pharmacology, the third to diagnostic, prognostic and "internistic" treatises, the fourth to therapy and hygiene, and the fifth to comments on Hippocratic texts.  For more information see at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Late Antiquity, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographical Classics, Collected Works: Opera Omnia
  • 6815

Peri ton idion biblion [Latin: De Libris propriis liber, On his own writings] and Peri tes taxeos ton idion biblion [Latin: De ordine librorum suorum liber, On the arrangement of his own writings]. IN: Galeni librorum pars prima-quinta, Part IV.

Venice: Andrea Torresani di Asolo (Andreas Asulanus), 1525.

The extent of Claudius Galen's written work was so great that Galen himself felt the need to provide a bibliography organizing and explaining his own writings. He also felt the need to distinguish between works that he had actually written and works that were being falsely attributed to him. About 190 CE  Galen wrote two classified bibliographies of his own writings: Peri ton idion biblion [Latin: De Libris propriis liber, On his own writings] and Peri tes taxeos ton idion biblion [Latin: De ordine librorum suorum liber, On the arrangement of his own writings]. These are the first auto-bibliographical works which survived, and they may also be considered the first bibliographies of any kind which survived after the listings from the library of Alexandria by Kallimachos (Callimachus), which survived only in the most fragmentary form.

"The De libris propriis liber opens with a general introduction, in which Galen refers to the books falsely attributed to him. The main text is divided into seventeen chapters, in which Galen arranges his works under such headings as commentaries, anatomical works, Hippocratic writings, works on moral philosophy, grammar and rhetoric, and so on. This bibliography apparently did not suffice as a guide to the five hundred or so works Galen had put out (many of them now lost), for he added a second one. This is the De ordine librorum suorum liber, of which second bibliography unfortunately only a fragment has come down to us" (Besterman, The Beginnings of Systematic Bibliography 2nd ed (1940) 3, nos. I & II).

Galen's bibliographies were first published in print in Part IV, ff.**1-6, of the editio princeps of his collected writings in Greek issued by the heirs of Aldus Manutius and Aldus's father-in-law, Andreas Asulanus, in Venice in 1525. They were revised and improved by Conrad Gessner for an edition published in Basel in 1562.


Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographical Classics, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 6820

Hippocratis Coi medicorum omnium longe principis, octoginta volumnia quibus maxima ex parte, annorum circiter duo millia Latina caruit lingua. . . .translated by Marco Fabio Calvo

Rome: Francesco Minitio Calvo, 1525.

The first collected edition of the Hippocratic collection in the Latin translation of Marco Fabio Calvo of Ravenna, dedicated to Pope Clement VII.

"This volume, which preceded the first, Aldine, edition of the Greek text by a year, 'changed what was known of Hippocrates almost beyond recognition.' In the sixteenth century the influence of Galen remained greater than that of Hippocrates, and many aspects of Renaissance Hippocratism remained to be investigated. Nonetheless, it is clear that the name of Hippocrates was invoked by physicians seeking an alternative to aspects of academic Galenism—so that an appeal to an authority even more venerable than Galen on occasion served to justify criticism of current beliefs and practices, if not innovation. Moreover medieval Hippocratic spuria began to be weeded out and the Epidemics are likely to have had some influence upon descriptions of patients and diseases.

"Fabio Calvo's original plan was apparently to publish a printed edition both of the Greek text and of his own Latin translation of the Hippocratic corpus, although as it turned out, only the translation was printed. A scholar of ascetic and frugal character—of which his vegetarianism was considered especially impressive evidence—he embarked on his work on Hippocrates when he was already an old man. As a friend of Raphael, for whom he translated Vitruvius into Italian, and an enthusiast for Roman antiquities, he also undertook the production of an illustrated volume on the urban geography of ancient Rome. Fabio Calvo finished collating and writing out his own copy of the Greek text of the Hippocratic corpus in 1512. His main source was fourteenth-century manuscript—then believed to be of considerably greater antiquity—in his own possession. But he also consulted one of the oldest and most important Hippocratic manuscripts, a twelfth-century codex that has been among the papal books since Charles of Anjou gave it to Clement IV in 1266" (Nancy G. Siraisi, "Life Sciences and Medicine in the Renaissance World," Grafton (ed) Rome Reborn. The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture [1993] 181-83).


Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, Renaissance Medicine
  • 12773

Opuscula nuper in lucem aedita quorum nomina proxima habentur pagella.

Venice: Bernardinus Vitalis, 1525.

Thomaeus's commentary on Aristotle's Mechanica includes an explanation of the action of a dental forceps illustrated with two small woodcut illustrations on page XXXXI. This was the first printed dental illustration. The work also include's commentaries on Aristotle's De motu animalium and De animalium incessu.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Thomaeus's first image of dental forceps

Subjects: BIOLOGY, DENTISTRY, DENTISTRY › Dental Instruments & Apparatus
  • 1802

The grete herball whiche geveth parfyt knowlege and understandyng of all maner of herbes and there gracyous vertues.

Southwarke, London: P. Treveris, 1526.

The first illustrated English herbal. It was mainly a translation of the French “Grant Herbier”.

Subjects: BOTANY, BOTANY › Botanical Illustration, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 6931

Opera omnia.

Venice: Aldus Manutius, 1526.

First edition of the Greek text of the works of Hippocrates, issued by Aldus Manutius of Venice one year after the first complete edition in Latin was issued in Rome. The Aldine text was edited by Aldus's brother-in-law Gian Francesco Torresani d'Asola, using a fifteenth-century manuscript now in Paris (BNF MS gr. 2141), with corrections provided by a second manuscript from the library of Cardinal Bessarion (Venice, Bibliotheca Marciana MS gr. 269). The Aldine Torresani edition corrected some errors in the Latin translation by Marco Fabio Calvo published the previous year, and also included a few works not in Calvo's edition.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, Collected Works: Opera Omnia
  • 9079

Hippocratis Coi medicorum omnium longe principis, opera: quibus maxima ex parte annorum circiter duo millia Latina caruit lingua: Graeci vero & Arabes, & prisci nostri Medici, plurimis tamen utilibus prætermissis, scripta sua illustrarunt: nunc tandem per M. Fabiu Rhauennatem, Gulielmum Copum Basiliensem, Nicolaum Leonicenu & Andream Brentium, viros doctissimos Latinate donata, ac iamprimu in lucem aedita: quo revera humano generi nihil fieri potuit salubrius.

Basel: In officina Andreae Cratandri, 1526.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, Collected Works: Opera Omnia
  • 11910

Passionarius Galeni (Galeni Pergamini passionarius) a doctis medicis multum desideratus; ægritudines a capite ad pedes usque complectens; in quinque libros particulares divisus, una cum febrium tractatu eorumque sintomatibus. Lege igitur, et in tibi mens hebes fuerit, eundem Galeni et non alterius, ut falso quidam credunt, esse perpendes.

Lyon, 1526.

Regarding Garioponto or Gariopontus see Florence Eliza Glaze, "Galen refashioned: Gariopontus in the Later Middle Ages and Reniassance," Textual healing: Essays on Medieval and early modern medicine, edited by Elizabeth Lane Furdell (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2005). Digital facsimile from Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy › Schola Medica Salernitana
  • 2365

Liber de morbo gallico.

Venice: in aedibus Francisei Bindoni ac Maphei Pasini, 1527.

Includes a description of the neurological manifestations of syphilis. Though this work bears the date 1507, Peter Krivatsy, provided evidence that this edition was printed in 1527. See Krivatsy, "Nicola Massa's Liber de Morbo Gallico--dated 1507 but printed in 1527," J. Hist. Med., 1974, 29, 230-33. Massa was Professor of Anatomy in Venice.

  • 7202

Avicenne liber canonis medicinae. Cum castigationibus Andree Bellunensis.

Venice: Luc-Antonio Giunta, 1527.

Revised and improved text of the Canon and other works of Avicenna by Andrea Alpago of Belluno, who had acquired a deep understanding of both the language and the subject during his thirty years of service as physician to the Venetian embassy at Damascus. Alpago supplied emendations derived from Arabic manuscripts to the earlier Latin editions of the Canon, the Cantica, and De viribus cordis (which he more accurately entitled De medicamentis cordialibus), and compiled a new glossary, mainly of Arabic names of drugs. His corrections were first published posthumously by his nephew Paolo in the Giunta edition of 1527. Digital facsimile of the 1544 Giunta edition edited by Alpago from Google Books at this link.

  • 149

Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion.

Nuremberg: J. Formschneyder, 1528.

Written, designed, and illustrated by Dürer, this work is notable for its extraordinary series of anthropometrical woodcuts. The first two books deal with the proper proportions of the human form; the third changes the proportions according to mathematical rules, giving examples of extremely fat and thin figures, while the last book depicts the human figure in motion and treats of foreshortenings. Dürer’s work is the first attempt to apply anthropometry to aesthetics. The woodcuts represent the first attempt to employ cross-hatching to depict shades and shadows in wood engraving. Facsimile edition with commentary volume by M. Steck, Zurich, J.S. Dietikon, [1969]. Dürer’s manuscript prepared for the printer for the first part of the above work is preserved at Dresden along with many other anatomical studies by him. See The human figure by Albrecht Dürer. The complete “Dresden Sketchbook” edited with introduction, translation and commentary by W. L. Strauss. New York, 1972.

For more information on this work see at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration, ANATOMY › Anatomy for Artists, ANTHROPOLOGY › Anthropometry, ART & Medicine & Biology
  • 36
  • 5549

In principio singulorum librorum omnia indicantur, quae in eo libro continentur. [Title in Greek and Latin].

Venice: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Asulani Soceri, 1528.

Paul of Aegiina was the most famous physician and surgeon in the Byzantine Empire during the seventh century, and probably thereafter. According to Eugene F. Rice, "Paulus Aegineta", Catalogus translationum et commentariorum IV (1980) p. 146, more codices of his works prior to the 13th century survived than any other Greek texts except the Bible and some patristic works, indicating that Paul's writings continued to be recopied and widely read. Paul gave original descriptions of lithotomy, trephining, tonsillectomy, paracentesis and amputation of the breast. The first clear description of the effects of lead poisoning also comes from him, indicating that lead poisoning was known in antiquity.

The work also contains extensive discussion of oral health including preservatives of teeth and dentrifices, affections and inflammations of the teeth and gums, on loosening teeth and removing them, on tongue-tied afflictions, and fracture of the jaws.

Paul's work, which did not have a formal title, was first published in print in the original Greek by the Aldine Press in 1528, edited by F. Torresani [Asulanus]. The manuscript on which Torresani based his text was copied by the scribe Manuel Pancratios in 1312. It is preserved in the Bibliòtheque Nationale de France (Par. gr. 2210), and bears Torresano's ownership inscription.

Three Latin translations were published in 1532. The first, entitled Opus divinum was translated from the Aldine edition by A. Torinus, and published by A. Cratander. It included books 1-5 and 7. The second, entitled De medica materia… published in Venice by L. Giunta, included the sixth book on surgery. The third, entitled Opus de re medica, published in Paris by S. de Colines, was based on a new, improved text and included all seven books in the translation of Johann Guinter von Andernach. 


Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Late Antiquity, BYZANTINE MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, Medicine: General Works, SURGERY: General , TOXICOLOGY › Lead Poisoning
  • 1785
  • 1984.1

De compositionibus medicamentorum liber unus

Paris: C. Wechel, 1528.

Written in 47 CE, this is an important compilation of drugs and prescriptions. Among the 271 remedies are the first use of electrotherapy (for headaches) using the shock of the torpedo fish. and it records the drinking of one’s own blood as a therapeutic rite. Scribonius was the first to describe accurately the preparation of true opium. G. Helmreich edited a Latin edition of the book, published in 1887, while a German version by W. Schonack appeared in 1913. The standard Latin edition is by S. Sconocchia, Leipzig, 1983.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, PAIN / Pain Management, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Opium, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines, THERAPEUTICS › Medical Electricity / Electrotherapy
  • 8427

Vegetii Renati Artis veterinariae, sive mulomedicinae libri quatuor, iam primum typis in lucem aediti.

Basel: Excudebat Ioannes Faber Emmeus Iuliacensis, 1528.

The earliest surviving work on veterinary medicine, by a writer from Late Antiquity, presumably in the Western Roman Empire. Digital facsimile from BayerischeStaatsbibliothek at this link.

  • 13148

Claudii Galeni ... Liber de plenitudine. Polybus De salubri victus ratione privatorum. Guinterio Ioanne Andernaco interprete. Apuleius Platonicus De herbarum virtutibus. Antonii Benivenii Libellus de abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morboru & sanitationum causis.

Paris: Christian Wechel, 1528.

First separate edition of Galen's Liber de plenitudine and Polybus's De salubri victus ratione privatorum, edited by Johan Guinter von Andernach. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 1959.1
  • 4808.1
  • 4915.1

Caelii Aureliani Siccensis Tardarum passionum libri V. D. Oribasii Sardi Iuliani Caesaris archiatri Euporiston lib: III. Medicinae comperi: lib: 1. Curationum lib: 1. Trochiscoru confect: lib: 1.

Basel: Henricus Petrus, 1529.

From a clinical point of view, the two works of Caelius Aurelianus, which were translated into Latin from Greek originals by Soranus of Ephesus that were later lost, represent the high-point of Graeco-Roman medical achievement. Soranus (fl. circa 150 CE), was the chief representative of the methodic school of medicine. Besides his writings on gynecology and obstetrics that survived, Soranus left works on chronic and acute maladies—Tardae or Chronicae passiones, in five books, and Celeres or Acutae passiones in three books, which were preserved through Caelius's translations. The Latin translations show that Soranus possessed considerable practical skill in the diagnosis of both ordinary and exceptional diseases. The translations are also important for their references to the methods of earlier medical authorities.

This is first edition of Caelius's Tardarum passionum (Chronic diseases ), edited by Johannes Sichard. On the verso of the title page the editor provided a list of about 50 ancient Greek physicians referred to in Caelius's text.

Garrison described Caelius / Soranus as a 5th century neurologist who gave one of the best early descriptions of epilepsy, including its convulsive and comatose forms, and the tendency of victims of vertigo to become epileptic. Caelius also distinguished between sensory and motor impairment, and between spastic and flaccid paralysis.

The first edition of Caelius's / Soranus's other work—Acute diseases – Liber celerum vel acutarum passionum, was edited by Johann Guinter von Andernach and published in Paris at the press of Simon de Colines in 1533. Both that and Sicart's edition of 1529 were based on Latin manuscripts that have since disappeared. No other medieval codices of these texts survived.

The four works by Oribasius also edited by Sicard for this 1529 printing represent the first editions in Latin of the texts involved. Like Caelius and Soranus, Oribasius was also a major compiler. Oribasius, a pagan, was physician to the Emperor Julian (the Apostate) in the period of Late Antiquity. Digital facsimile of the 1529 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Late Antiquity, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, NEUROLOGY › Epilepsy, OTOLOGY › Vestibular System › Vertigo, PSYCHIATRY, THERAPEUTICS
  • 5520

Ein Regiment: wie man sich vor der newen Plage der Englische Schwaisz genannt, bewaren, und so mann damit ergryffen wirt, darinn halten sall.

Marburg: Gedruckt zu Marpurg am zehenden tage des Monats Septembris, Anno M.D. und XXIX., 1529.

Euricius Cordus, father of Valerius, wrote an important account of sweating sickness. Another edition was published at Nuremberg, also in 1529. Reproduced in Gruner’s Scriptores, 1847 (No. 5524).

  • 9349

Galeni Pergameni libri anatomici, quorum indicem versa patina indicabit. Edited by Giacomo Berengario da Carpi.

Bologna: Giovanni Baptista Phaelli, 1529.

First printed edition in Latin of Galen's De anatomicis administrationis, as translated from the Greek by Demetrios Chalkokondyles under the title De anatomicis aggressionibus. Other works in this collection edited by Berengario da Carpi are De motu musculorum translated by Niccolò Leoniceno, De arteriarum et venarum dissectione and De nervorum dissectione translated by Andrea Fortolo, and De hirundinibus, etc. translated by Ferdinando Balamio Siculo. Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century, ANATOMY › Ancient Anatomy (BCE to 5th Century CE), ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire