An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2022 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16032 entries, 14099 authors and 1944 subjects. Updated: October 19, 2024

Browse by Entry Number 12200–12299

100 entries
  • 12200

Sorani gynaeciorum vetus translatio Latina. Nunc primum edita cum additis Graeci textus reliquiis a Dietzio repertis atque ad ipsum codicem Parisiensem nunc recognitis a Valentino Rose.

Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1882.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 12201

An edition, translation and commentary of Mustio's Gynaecia (Unpublished doctoral thesis).

Calgary, Canada: University of Calgary, 2015.

This dissertation represents "a new critical edition of Mustio’s Gynaecia, the first since Valentin Rose’s 1882 volume for the Teubner series. It is accompanied by a facing page translation, the first in English, and related commentary. Introductory material locates the text and its author within the history of women’s medicine, including a discussion of extant sources and transmission of the work. Written in Latin sometime in the fifth or sixth century CE, the Gynaecia covers the topics of obstetrics, paediatrics and gynaecology. Its author, the otherwise unknown Mustio, concedes to his audience that he is re-using older Greek material, but stresses that he is going to rework the content into a novel format suitable for midwives with limited formal education. In fact, he sets a good part of the work into a basic question-and-answer format that is ideal for rote memorization, making it a practical training tool for women whose level of literacy might be rudimentary. It is generally believed that Soranus, the greatest exponent of the Methodist school of medicine at Rome, is the source for the Greek material, via the work commonly known as the Gynaecology. It has also been argued that Soranus wrote (at least) two versions of the Gynaecology, a full version and an abridged one set in a question-and-answer format, and that it is the latter shorter version that Mustio bases his work upon. I challenge both the idea that Mustio inherited the question-and-answer format from Soranus, and the notion that Soranus wrote several versions of the Gynaecology. I argue, rather, that while Mustio may not have ‘invented’ the question-and-answer-format, his adaptation of it as a catechetic instructional tool for women was indeed innovative. I also question the traditional connection between Mustio’s work and the Gynaecology of Soranus, and suggest alternative readings for the Cateperotiana and the Triacontas which scholarship has thus far interpreted as catechetic and non-catechetic versions by Soranus of his own material from the Gynaecology. In terms of stylistic method, subject matter and intended audience, this a unique text in ancient writing, yet one that has attracted little modern research" (Bolton).

A PDF of the dissertation may be downloaded from the University of Calgary at this link.

  • 12202

Les Infortunes de Dinah: Le livre de la génération. La gynécologie juive au Moyen-Age. Edited and translated by Ron Barkai.

Paris: Cerf, 1991.
Critical edition and French translation of Doeg ha-Edomi's late twelfth-century text, the Sefer ha-Toledet  (The Book of Generation), a Hebrew translation of the Latin Gynecology of Muscio set in the form of a dialogue between the Biblical tragic heroine Dina and her father.

  • 12203

Caelius Aurelianus Gynaecia, Fragments of a Latin version of Soranus' Gynaecia from a thirteenth century manuscript. Edited by Miriam Drabkin and Israel Drabkin.

Bull. Hist. Med. Suppl. 13, 1-136, 1951.

Edition and translation of a surviving fragment of Caelius Aurelianus's text that did not survive in its entirely. The fragment, preserved in the New York Academy of Medicine, fuses the text of Muscio with that of Caelius.

  • 12204

Lectures on the means of promoting and preserving health, delivered at the Mechanics' Institute.

London: J. & A. Arch, 1835.

Lectures for "working men" and women on preventative medicine and self-help.  Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE, Self-Help Guides
  • 12205

Thomas Hodgkin, M.D. (1798-1866): An annotated bibliography. By Harold H. Kass and Anne H. Bartlett.

Bull. Hist. Med., 43, 138-175, 1969.

An outstanding, very extensively annotated bibliography covering the full range of Hodgkin's publications.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors
  • 12206

The demography of Victorian England and Wales.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics › History of Demography
  • 12207

Protein and energy: A study of changing ideas in nutrition.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › History of Nutrition / Diet
  • 12208

Beriberi, white rice, and vitamin B: A disease, a cause, and a cure.

Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2000.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Beriberi, NUTRITION / DIET › History of Nutrition / Diet
  • 12209

The pathology, symptomatology and diagnosis of certain common disorders of the vestibular system.

Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 45, 341-354, 1952.
Dix–Hallpike test or Nylen–Barany test, a diagnostic maneuver used to identify benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Vestibular System › Vertigo, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12210

Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Lettres écrites d'Égypte à Cuvier, Jussieu, Lacépède, Monge, Desgenettes, Redouté le Jeune, Norry, etc., aux professeurs du muséum et à sa famille. Receuillies et publiées avec un préface et des notes par le Dr. E.-T. Hamy.

Paris: Libairie Hachette et Cie, 1901.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

  • 12211

The Cuvier-Geoffroy Debate: French biology in the decades before Darwin.

New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

" event better represents the contest between form and function as the chief organizing principle of life as the debate between Georges Cuvier and Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. This book presents the first comprehensive study of the celebrated French scientific controversy that focused the attention of naturalists in the first decades of the nineteenth century on the conflicting claims of teleology, morphology, and evolution, which ultimately contributed to the making of Darwin's theory." (publisher).

Subjects: BIOLOGY › History of Biology, EVOLUTION › History of Evolutionary Thought
  • 12212

Shaping biology: The National Science Foundation and American biological research, 1945-1975.

Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.

"Scientists by training, NSF biologists hoped in the 1950s that the new agency would become the federal government's chief patron for basic research in biology, the only agency to fund the entire range of biology—from molecules to natural history museums—for its own sake. Appel traces how this vision emerged and developed over the next two and a half decades, from the activities of NSF's Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, founded in 1952, through the cold war expansion of the 1950s and 1960s and the constraints of the Vietnam War era, to its reorganization out of existence in 1975. This history of NSF highlights fundamental tensions in science policy that remain relevant today: the pull between basic and applied science; funding individuals versus funding departments or institutions; elitism versus distributive policies of funding; issues of red tape and accountability" (publisher).

Subjects: BIOLOGY › History of Biology
  • 12213

Women scientists in America. 3 vols. Vol. 1: Struggles and strategies to 1940. Vol. 2: Before affirmative action, 1940-1972. Vol. 3: Forging a new world since 1972.

Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 19822012.

Subjects: WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12214

Sex, sin, and science: A history of syphilis in America.

Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2008.

  • 12215

Les champignons hallucinogenes du Mexique. Études ethnologiques, taxinomiques, biologiques, physiologiques et chimiques.

Paris: Éditions du Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle, 1958.

Subjects: BOTANY › Cryptogams › Mycology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Mexico, PHARMACOLOGY › Psychopharmacology
  • 12216

The evolution of cardiac surgery.

Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992.

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY › History of Cardiac Surgery
  • 12217

The significance of late systolic murmurs and mid-late systolic clicks.

Maryland State Medical Journal, 12, 76-77, 1963.

See also J. B. Barlow, W.A. Pocock P. Marchand, M. Denny, "The significance of late systolic murmurs," Am Heart J., 66 (1963) 443- 452

Barlow revolutionized thinking about the pathophysiology of mitral regurgitation when he defined the mitral valve prolapse syndrome, which was termed Barlow's syndrome. "Barlow entered the international cardiology scene in 1963 with publication of his landmark paper on the midsystolic click and late systolic murmur, subsequently known as Barlow's syndrome. It was Barlow who demonstrated the fact that the midsystolic click(s) and late systolic murmur were in fact associated with billowing of the mitral valve leaflets and mitral regurgitation, respectively" (Profiles in Cardiology, 460-461).

  • 12218

Application de la méthode Roentgen à l'examen d'un anéurisme de la crosse aortique. Présentation du malade et de la preuve radiographique.

Bull. et Mém. Soc. Méd. d. Hôp. de Paris., 14, 157–163, 1897.

With the help of Oudin and Barthélemy Béclère established the first laboratory of radiology in Paris. This was among the first applications of x-rays for the diagnosis of aortic disease, and also one of the first papers on the medical application of x-rays published by a Parisian physician.

  • 12219

Partnership for excellence: Medicine at the University of Toronto and academic hospitals.

Toronto, Canada & Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 2013.

A history of medicine and medical discoveries made at these Canadian hospitals.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Canada, HOSPITALS › History of Hospitals
  • 12220

Contribution a l’étude du phénomène respiratoire de Cheyne-Stokes.

Lyon méd., 23, 517-528, 561-567, 1876.
Biot's respiration, "an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by groups of quick, shallow inspirations followed by regular or irregular periods of apnea"

Subjects: RESPIRATION › Respiratory Diseases
  • 12221

Complete replacement of the mitral valve. Successful clinical application of a flexible polyurethane prosthesis.

J. thorac. cardiovasc. Surg., 40, 1-11, 1960.

Braunwald was the first woman to perform open heart surgery. She was the first woman surgeon certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery, and the first woman elected to the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. In 1960, at the age of 32, she led the operative team at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) that implanted the first successful artificial mitral human heart valve replacement, which she had designed and fabricated. This paper described the first and second attempts that Braunwald and Morrow made to replace the mitral valve with a prosthesis. The first patient did not survive, but the second patient lived. 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Heart Valve Disease, CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12222

Cases of spasmodic disease accompanying affections of the pericardium.

Med.-chir. Trans., 22, 1-19, 1839.

Digital facsimile of the separate offprint from at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Rheumatic Heart Disease
  • 12223

The castel of helth gathered and made by Syr Thomas Elyot knyghte, out of the chiefe authors of physyke, wherby euery manne may knowe the state of his owne body, the preseruatio[n] of helthe, and how to instructe welle his physytion in syckenes that he be not deceyued.

[London]: [In ædibus Thomæ Bertheleti typis impress], 1534.

A few copies are dated 1534, but by internal evidence they cannot be dated before 1536. The next printing was in 1539. Digital text from Old English Books Online at this link.

Subjects: Household or Self-Help Medicine, Self-Help Guides
  • 12224

The four common types of heart disease: An analysis of 600 cases.

J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 63, -1461-1463, 1914.

"The first appearance of Cabot's innovative classification of cardiac disease that was widely adopted" (W. Bruce Fye, American Cardiology. Baltimore, 1995, 49-50.)

  • 12225

Der Mechanismus der halbmondformigen Herzklappen.

Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1872.
Using an excised pig heart preparation with tubes, a manometer, and a visualizing apparatus, Ceradini working in Carl Ludwig’s laboratory, illustrated  the mechanism of closure of the semilunar valves. He was the first to conceive that the closure of the heart valves depends not on a static back pressure, nor upon eddies, but is primarily the consequence  of the decelerated systolic efflux. See Troiani and Manni, "The work of Giulio Ceradini explaining the mechanism of semilunar cardiac valve function," Advf. Phsiol. Educ., 35 (2011) 110-113).

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 12226

A study of the electrical field surrounding active heart muscle.

Heart, 14, 71-109, 1927.

At Johns Hopkins Hospital Craib evolved his fundamental theory of the doublet hypothesis which revolutionized electrocardiographic thinking. Until then, it was held that electricity in the heart differed from electricity elsewhere, in that it consisted of negativity only - a view known as the negativity hypothesis. He was to show that electrocardiography in the heart was the same as elsewhere, and consisted of both negativity and positivity. This challenged the views held by the establishment of his day and was met with reactive and, at times, destructive criticism. 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12227

Your body and its health.

London: Ivor Nicholson, 1935.

Cullis was the first woman professor in a British medical school, appointed in 1919 as professor physiology at the University of London. By the time this book was published Cullis was the Sophia Jex-Blake Professor of Physiology at the University of London.

Subjects: Self-Help Guides, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12228

A monograph of the pheasants. 4 vols.

London: Published under the auspices of the New York Zoological Society by Witherby & Co., 19181922.

Beebe's spectacular work, with 90 colored plates of birds and 88 photogravure plates of habitats and scenery, has been called the greatest ornithological treatise of the 20th century. Illustrators included Henrik Grönvold, Charles Robert Knight, George Edward Lodge, Archibald Thorburn. The edition was limited to 600 copies. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 12229

Development of a pump-oxygenator to replace the heart and lungs: An apparatus applicable to human patients, and application to one case.

Annals of Surgery, 134, 709-721, 1951.

Dennis and colleagues performed the first human cardiac operation with total heart-lung bypass. The patient was a 6-year old girl with a huge atrial septal defect. Though she did not survive, this report encouraged others to attempt open-heart surgery using various oxygenators, including modifications of the Gibbon pump oxygenator. Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 12230

The artificial heart.

Ciba Symp., 35, No. 6, 1983.

First published report on the first successful "permanent" artificial heart operation, in which DeVries implanted the Jarvik-7 artifical heart in Barney Clark, a patient affected with end-stage congestive heart failure. The surgery took place on December 2, 1982; Clark lived for 112 days after the surgery. The Ciba Symposia issue was extensively illustrated by Frank Netter,

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY › Heart Transplants › Artificial Heart Transplant
  • 12231

Clinical use of the total artificial heart.

New Eng. J. Med., 310, 273-278, 1984.


"We report here our first experience with the use of a total artificial heart in a human being. The heart [Jarvik-7] was developed at the University of Utah, and the patient was a 61-year-old man with chronic congestive heart failure due to primary cardiomyopathy, who also had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

"Except for dysfunction of the prosthetic mitral valve, which required replacement of the left-heart prosthesis on the 13th postoperative day, the artificial heart functioned well for the entire postoperative course of 112 days. The mean blood pressure was 84±8 mm Hg, and cardiac output was generally maintained at 6.7±0.8 liters per minute for the right heart and 7.5±0.8 for the left, resulting in postoperative diuresis and relief of congestive failure.

"The postoperative course was complicated by recurrent pulmonary insufficiency, several episodes of acute renal failure, episodes of fever of unidentified cause (necessitating multiple courses of antibiotics), hemorrhagic complications of anticoagulation, and one generalized seizure of uncertain cause.

"On the 92nd postoperative day, the patient had diarrhea and vomiting, leading to aspiration pneumonia and sepsis. Death occurred on the 112th day, preceded by progressive renal failure and refractory hypotension, despite maintenance of cardiac output. Autopsy revealed extensive pseudomembranous colitis, acute tubular necrosis, peritoneal and pleural effusion, centrilobular emphysema, and chronic bronchitis with fibrosis and bronchiectasis. The artificial heart system was intact and uninvolved by thrombosis or infectious processes.

"This experience should encourage further clinical trials with the artificial heart, but we emphasize that the procedure is still highly experimental. Further experience, development, and discussion will be required before more general application of the device can be recommended. (N Engl J Med 1984; 310:273–8.)"

Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY › Heart Transplants › Artificial Heart Transplant
  • 12232

Cardiac catheterization: Development of the technique, its contributions to experimental medicine, and its initial applications in man.

Acta. med. scand., 31, 7-32, 1975.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology, CARDIOLOGY › Interventional Cardiology › Cardiac Catheterization
  • 12233

Selbstversuch. Erinnerungen eines Chirurgen.

Düsseldorf: Droste Verlag, 1972.

Translated into English by Hilary Davies as Experiments on myself. Memoirs of a surgeon in Germany (London: St. Martin's Press, 1974).

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Autobiography, CARDIOLOGY › Interventional Cardiology › Cardiac Catheterization
  • 12234

A century of telemedicine: Curatio sine distantia et tempora.

Sofia, Bulgaria: Malina Jordanova, 2016.

345 pages. Available online from at this link.

Subjects: Telemedicine › History of Telemedicine
  • 12235

On the interpretation of cardiographic tracings, and the evidence which they afford as to the causation of the murmurs attendant upon mitral stenosis.

Guy’s Hosp. Rep., 3rd ser., 20, 261-310, 1875.

"The first case of heart block in a human documented graphically was reported in 1875 by British physician Alfred Galabin. He published an apical pulse tracing from a 34-year-old man with a two-year history of lightheaded spells associated with bradycardia. The tracing is consistent with complete atrioventricular dissociation with a normal atrial rate and a ventricular rate of 25 to 30 beats per minute" (W. B. Fye, "Disorders of the Heartbeat,: Am. J. Cardiol.,1993).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 12236

Catheter technique for closed-chest ablation of the atrioventricular conduction system.

New Eng. J. Med., 306, 194-200, 1982.

The catheter ablation technique, pioneered by Gallagher and team.

"This report describes a catheter technique for ablating the His bundle and its application in nine patients with recurrent supraventricular tachycardia that was unresponsive to medical management. A tripolar electrode catheter was positioned in the region of the His bundle, and the electrode recording a large unipolar His-bundle potential was identified. In the first patient, two shocks of 25 and 50 J, respectively, were delivered by a standard cardioversion unit to the catheter electrode, resulting in an intra-His-bundle conduction defect. Subsequent delivery of 300 J resulted in complete heart block. In the next eight patients, an initial shock of 200 J was used. The His bundle was ablated by this single shock in six of these patients and by an additional shock of 300 J in one. In the remaining patient, conduction in the atrioventricular node was modified, resulting in alternating first and second-degree atrioventricular block. A stable escape rhythm was preserved in all patients. The procedure was well tolerated, without complications, and all patients have remained free of arrhythmia, without medication, for follow-up periods of two to six months."

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12237

Compensatory enlargement of human atherosclerotic coronary arteries.

New Eng. J. Med., 22, 1371-1375, 1987.

"Glagov remodeling" or the "Glagov phenomenon." In 1987 Glagov showed that as atherosclerotic plaque began to build up within an artery, the arterial wall would expand enough to maintain normal blood flow. Only after the blockage reached about 40 percent was the artery unable to keep pace and blood flow began to decrease.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease
  • 12238

Hydraulic formula for calculation of the area of the stenotic mitral valve; other cardiac valves, and central circulatory shunts.

American Heart Journal, 41, 1-29, 1951.

In collaboration with his father, S. G. Gorlin, a mechanical engineer who designed hydraulic systems for gasoline engines at the beginning of the century, Richard Gorlin developed a formula to calculate the area of stenotic cardiac valves and congenital heart chamber defects. The “Gorlin formula,” still considered the “gold standard” for diagnosis of critical heart valve obstruction, was crucial to the evolution of cardiac surgery because it allowed proper case selection and contributed greatly to the design of artificial valves.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Heart Valve Disease, CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects, CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY
  • 12239

Nonoperative dilatation of coronary-artery stenosis: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

New Eng. J. Med., 301, 61-68, 1979.

Grüntzig developed the first successful balloon angioplasty for expanding lumens of narrowed arteries.


"In percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, a catheter system is introduced through a systemic artery under local anesthesia to dilate a stenotic artery by controlled inflation of a distensible balloon.

"Over the past 18 months, we have used this technic in 50 patients. The technic was successful in 32 patients, reducing the stenosis from a mean of 84 to 34 per cent (P<0.001) and the coronary-pressure gradient from a mean of 58 to 19 mm Hg (P<0.001). Twenty-nine patients showed improvement in cardiac function during follow-up examination. Because of acute deterioration in clinical status, emergency bypass was later necessary in five patients; three showed electrocardiograpic evidence of infarcts.

"Patients with single-vessel disease appear to be most suitable for the procedure, and a short history of pain indicates the presence of a soft (distensible) atheroma likely to respond to dilatation. We estimate that only about 10 to 15 per cent of candidates for bypass surgery have lesions suitable for this procedure. A prospective randomized trial will be necessary to evaluate its usefulness in comparison with surgical and medical management. (N Engl J Med 301:61–68, 1979)."

Prior to the 1979 paper Grüntzig published a preliminary, abbreviated paper on the method: "Perkutane Dilatation von Coronarstenosen — Beschreibung eines neuen Kathetersystems. Percutaneous dilatation of experimental coronary artery stenosis — description of a new catheter system," Klinische Wochenschrift, 54 (1976) 543-545.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease
  • 12240

Invasion of the body: Revolutions in surgery.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011.

Subjects: SURGERY: General › History of Surgery
  • 12241

Transplant: From myth to reality.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

"... organ transplantation has become a generally effective and routine treatment for patients with organ failure. In this book, a well-known expert in the fields of clinical transplantation and transplantation research traces the evolution of organ transplantation from its initial stirrings in the imaginations of the ancients to its status as accepted treatment for nearly 40,000 patients each year. Drawing often on his own first-hand experience, Dr Nicholas Tilney tells the story of the advances in organ transplantation, discusses how societal forces have driven its development, and reveals how its current success is marred by commercialism and exploitation of the less fortunate...." (publisher).

Subjects: TRANSPLANTATION › History of Transplantation
  • 12242

Clinical experiences with a new implantable demand pacemaker.

Am. J. Cardiol., 20, 232-238, 1967.

Harken and colleagues reported "the first clinical use of an implantable noncompetitive pacer" (Jeffrey, Machines in Our Hearts. Baltimore, 2001, 134.) Berkovits, an engineer working for Medtronic, was an inventor of the device.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arrythmias › Pacemakers
  • 12243

Noninvasive assessment of pressure drop in mitral stenosis by Doppler ultrasound.

British Heart Journal, 40, 131-140, 1978.

Order of authorship in the original paper: Hatle, Brubakk, Tromsdal, Angelsen. "Hatle (born 1936) was the pioneer of continuous wave Doppler echocardiography. "Today, Doppler echocardiography is central to our ability to determine cardiovascular hemodynamics, especially in valvular heart diseases, noninvasively. Continuous-wave Doppler (CWD) plays a central diagnostic role in the diagnosis and management of patients with aortic stenosis. The development and use of CWD in aortic stenosis was due to the pioneering work of Dr. Liv Hatle and her outstanding medical and engineering colleagues in Norway. The author was fortunate to be the first to use the early CWD instruments in North America" (Randolph Martin, "Clinic implementation of continuous-wave Doppler: It made all the difference," J. Am. Soc. Echocardiogr. ,12 (2018) 1323-1329). 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Echocardiography › Doppler Echocardiography, IMAGING › Sonography (Ultrasound), WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12244

Doppler ultrasound in cardiology: Physical principles and clinical applications.

Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1982.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Echocardiography, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Echocardiography › Doppler Echocardiography
  • 12245

Diagnosis of cyanotic congenital heart malformations in infants by real-time, two-dimensional echocardiography.

Nature, Pediatric Research, 8, 352, 1974.

Two-dimensional (cross-sectional) echocardiography. 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects, CARDIOLOGY › Pediatric Cardiology, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Echocardiography
  • 12246

A sector scanner for real time two-dimensional echocardiography.

Circulation, 49, 1147-1152, 1974.

"During the past several years one-dimensional pulse-echo ultrasound techniques have proven extremely useful in cardiac diagnosis. A one-dimensional system, however, only visualizes structures lying along a single straight line. The spatial relationships of the various cardiac structures are therefore not so easily defined as with two-dimensional systems which display the heart by constructing a plane image composed of many straight lines. We have developed a sector scanning system for obtaining two-dimensional echocardiograms in real time using ultrasonic pulse-echo techniques. Images are produced by angling rapidly a single transducer through a 30-degree sector from a fixed spot (between ribs) on the patient's chest. Thirty complete sectors (or frames) are produced per second. The use of a large diameter transducer ensures that signal strength is good and cardiac structures, including endocardium, can be visualized. Other advantages include high transducer sensitivity, real time imaging and easy visualization of various regions of the heart. Experience with more than 100 patients indicates that diagnostic quality two-dimensional echocardiograms can be readily obtained in essentially the same patients from whom one-dimensional echocardiograms are recorded and can usually be performed in less time."

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Echocardiography
  • 12247

Analyse des Pulsus irregularis perpetuus.

Prag. med. Wschr., 38, 377-381, 1903.

Later called auricular fibrillation.

  • 12248

Thrombosis of the coronary arteries.

J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 72, 387-390, 1919.

"...includes electrocardiographic tracings of a 42-year-old physician who died "after coronary obstructive symptoms" and of a dog following experimental ligation of a coronary artery. This finding "led Herrick to conclude that coronary occlusion might be accompanied by characteristic electrocardiographic changes that would help physicians recognize coronary thrombosis. Thus, Herrick provided clinicians with both an intellectual framework for conceptualizing survival after coronary thrombosis and a new diagnostic approach [electrocardiography] to help them recognize this event" (W. Bruce Fye, "Acute myocardial infaction: A historical summary," 1990).

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography
  • 12249

A report of a case of successful suturing of the heart, and table of thirty-seven other cases of suturing by different operations with various terminations, and the conclusions drawn.

Medical Record, 62, 846-848, 1902.

Hill reported his successful suturing of a knife wound in the left ventricle. His patient, a thirteen-year-old boy recovered. This was the first successful suture of the heart performed in America. Hill argued "that any operation which reduces the mortality from 90 to about 63 per cent is entitled to a permanent place in surgery, and that every wound of the heart should be operated upon immediately."

"In the early morning hours of September 15, 1902, Hill was summoned by two local Montgomery physicians who were attempting to treat Henry Myrick, a 13-year-old African American youth, who had been the victim of a stab wound to the heart the previous afternoon. Six hours passed before the first physicians had been called, and another two hours passed before Hill arrived at the boy's home. Myrick's wound had been bleeding continuously, and although he was still conscious, his pulse was fading. Hill convinced the family to let him operate on the wound.
Although he was widely regarded as an authority on heart wounds, Hill had not actually operated on a living heart. Hill moved Myrick to a table and by lantern light began the procedure, assisted by his brother and a fourth physician who had arrived to administer chloroform to the patient. Hill opened the youth's chest and discovered a great deal of internal bleeding within the pericardium, the protective tissue surrounding the heart. To relieve pressure on the injured organ, Hill opened the pericardial sack to drain the blood. He then stitched the stab wound, which was in the left ventricle of Myrick's heart, with catgut thread. The entire procedure lasted 45 minutes. Myrick survived and within a few weeks had recovered from his injuries...."(R. Foster,

Westaby & Bosher, Landmarks in cardiac surgery, 36-37, 316-318 reprinted this paper declaring, "It caused a sensation. 'Lived with Stabbed Heart' reported the headline of an article in the New York Sun, which described Hill's stitching of 13-year-old Henry Myrick's three-eight-inch stab wound in the left ventricle with a single catgut suture on the kitchen table of a shack, lit by two kerosene lamps."

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 12250

New method for heart studies.

Science, 134, 1214-1220, 1961.

Probably the first publication on the Holter Monitor, which was released for commercial production in 1962.


"I have proposed that orthodox electrocardiography be implemented, both for research and medical purposes, by the use of long-period, continuous recording of heart potentials with a portable, self-contained instrument-the electrocardiocorder together with semiautomatic methods for the rapid analysis of the resulting voluminous data. An electronic system to make this concept practical has been developed in our laboratory and typical results are described in this article."

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography
  • 12251

Clinical observations using the Electrocardiocorder-AVSEP continuous electrocardiographic system. Tentative standards and typical patterns.

American Journal of Cardiology, 14, 204-217, 1964.

Documentation of the value of the Holter monitor in clinical work.


"We have described characteristic patterns observed using the Electrocardiocorder-AVSEP system for recording continuous electrocardiograms on both active and inactive subjects. We have extended previously well recognized observations made in conventional electrocardiography to the effect that the S-T segment in the normal varies somewhat from time to time, and T wave varies much more. We have shown examples in normal subjects of unusually flat ST-T segments with unusual variation in contour. We have also developed some appreciation of how often and how much the total AVSEP pattern can change during dynamic situations, especially the magnitude of normal T wave changes. The appearance of common arrhythmias as seen in this system, as well as some of the artifacts associated with it, has also been demonstrated. Examples of how this system develops patterns which differ in some respects from those seen in conventional electrocardiograms have been described and illustrated, especially those differences which arise from the nature of this new electrocardiographic recording and presentation system. (Examples are the features we have termed for convenience the pre-T notch and the post-T dip.) The reliability of the Electrocardiocorder-AVSEP system as originated at the Holter Foundation Laboratory has been demonstrated under a wide variety of circumstances during an extended series of trials. We emphasize the need for familiarity with the idiosyncrasies of this system and its patterns before drawing clinical conclusions from the observations.
This partial review of our experiences with the Electrocardiocorder-AVSEP system as used in 230 subjects establishes these new devices as practical tools for observing electrocardiographic phenomena continuously during a wide range of dynamic situations."

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography
  • 12252

The role of the carotid arteries in the causation of vascular lesions of the brain, with remarks on certain special features of the symptomatology.

Amer. J. Med. Sci., 147, 704-713, 1914.

"In 1914, J. Ramsay Hunt, in an article considered to be another historical landmark in the recognition of the causes of cerebral ischemia, emphasized that strokes could be caused by extracranial occlusion of the cerebral arteries. He described the syndrome of internal carotid occlusion....In the paper he stated that the neck arteries should be checked for 'a possible diminution or absence of pulsation'" (Fields &  Lemak, A history of stroke , New York, 1989, 23-24).

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neurovascular Disorders › Stroke
  • 12253

On herpetic inflammations of the geniculate ganglion: A new syndrome and its complications.

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 34, 73–96, 1907.
Herpes zoster oticus, also known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Herpes › Herpes Zoster (Shingles), OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Herpesviridae
  • 12254

Organon der Heilkunst. 6th edition.

Leipzig: Verlag von Dr. Willmar Schwabe, 1921.

Hahnemann completed his work for the 6th edition in 1842, a year before his death. After Hahnemann’s death in 1843, his widow, Mélanie Hahnemann, had a hand-written copy made of Hahnemann’s volume and notes. In 1920, James Ward and William Boericke, American homeopaths based in San Francisco, purchased both the interleaved volume and the manuscript copy. Richard Haehl, a German homeopath, acted as their agent. Haehl used the hand-written copy as the basis for the 6th edition, published in Germany in 1921. The interleaved volume was sent to Boericke in San Francisco, and he used it as the basis of the 1922 English-language edition.
Digital facsimile of Haehl's manuscript from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Homeopathy
  • 12255

The electrocardiogram in clinical medicine: The string galvanometer and the electrocardiogram in health.

Amer. J. Med. Sci. 140, 408-421, 1910.

The first clinical paper on electrocardiography to appear in an American journal (Burch & DePasquale, A History of Electrocardiography,1990, 163.)  James and Williams "published the first ECG recordings in the western hemisphere. The theme of their first paper was tutorial and encouraged physicians to be interested in ECG. To make these recordings, James needed the expertise of Williams, who was technically trained in physics and was a physician as well" (Geddes and Wald, "Horatio B. Williams and the first electrocardiographs made in the United States," IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. ,19 (2000) 117-121). 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography
  • 12256

Des appareils l'electriques des poissons l'electriques. 2 vols. (Text and atlas).

Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1858.

Digital facsimile of the text from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: PHYSIOLOGY › Electrophysiology, ZOOLOGY › Ichthyology
  • 12257

Weitere Beiträge zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Endocarditis.

Arch. exp. Path. Pharm., 9, 52-94, 1878.

Klebs "concluded that most cases of acute endocarditis were caused by 'monads' or by 'septic cocci' " (Bloomfield, Bibliography of internal medicine, selected diseases, 43-44). Klebs believed that all cases of endocarditis were bacterial in origin.

  • 12258

The excitatory process in the dog's heart. Part 1. The auricles.

Phil. Trans. B, 205, 375-420, 1914.

Experiments designed to identify the "origin of the contraction wave in the mammalian heart." Three photographic plates depict numerous electrocardiographic recordings. "From 1910 to 1916, Lewis and his associates performed classic experiments in which they outlined the sequence of electric activation of the heart." Burch 135. Citing this research, Arthur Hollman notes "Lewis was now at the peak of his electrophysiological studies which aimed to show the electrical events underlying cardiac contraction and his experimental work was remarkable for its scope and technical virtuosity" (Arthur Hollman, Sir Thomas Lewis, London, 1997, 58-60.)

Digital facsimile from the Royal Society at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12259

"Cardioversion" of atrial fibrillation: A report on the treatment of 65 episodes in 50 patients.

New Engl. J. Med., 269, 325-331, 1963.

"In 1959 Bernard Lown commenced research in his animal laboratory in collaboration with engineer Barouh Berkovits into a technique which involved charging of a bank of capacitors to approximately 1000 volts with an energy content of 100-200 joules then delivering the charge through an inductance such as to produce a heavily damped sinusoidal wave of finite duration (~5 milliseconds) to the heart by way of paddle electrodes. This team further developed an understanding of the optimal timing of shock delivery in the cardiac cycle, enabling the application of the device to arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillationatrial flutter, and supraventricular tachycardias in the technique known as "cardioversion" (Wikipedia article on Defibrillation, accessed 4-2020).

  • 12260

Ladies in the laboratory. 4 vols. 1: American and British women in science, 1800-1900: A survey of their contributions to research. 2: West European women in science, 1800-1900: A survey of their contributions (2004). 3: South African, Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian women in science: Nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (2010). 4: Imperial Russia's women in science, 1800-1900: A survey of their contributions to research (2015).

Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 20002015.


Subjects: WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 2000 -
  • 12261

Eine periodische Function des isolirten Froschherzen.

Ber. Ver. Ges. Wiss. Leipzig, 25, 11-94, 1873.

"Using an isolated frog heart preparation with ligatures around the atria, Luigi Luciani, an Italian physiologist working in 1873 in Carl Ludwig’s famous laboratory in Leipzig, was the first to demonstrate cardiac group beating, which he named periodic rhythm. He attributed this to increased resistance to impulse propagation between the atria and the ventricle. Karel F. Wenckebach, in his 1899 landmark report of group beating in a patient in which he also used pulse tracings, credited Luciani with this discovery. Wenckebach referred to the phenomena as “Luciani periods" (Upshaw & Silverman, "Luigi Luciani and the earliest graphic demonstration of Wenckebach periodicity," Circulation, 101 (2000) 2662–2668.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12262

On the muscular architecture of the ventricles of the human heart.

Amer. J. Anat., 11, 211-266, 1911.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 12263

Principles of sanitary science and the public health, with special reference to the causation and prevention of infectious diseases.

New York: The Macmillan Company, 1902.

Digital facsimile of the 1902 first edition from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 12264

Observations on the mean pressure and the characters of the pulse wave in the coronary arteries of the heart.

Stud. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopk. Univ., 2, 315-326, 1882.

  • 12265

The two-step test of myocardial function.

Amer. Heart J., 10, 495-510, 1935.

The “Master TwoStep” exercise tolerance test for the diagnosis of heart disease.

"A simple quantitative “two-step” test of myocardial function is described, and tables of climbs are given for normal individuals, from four to seventy-four years of age, of both sexes. The patient's weight multiplied by the number of ascents gives the foot pounds of work per minute. Not only may it be learned in this way whether the exercise tolerance of an individual is within average figures, but his actual limit may be ascertained. The percentage of efficiency is calculated by dividing the number of climbs the patient can actually perform by his theoretical limit, as derived from the tables.

"Men have greater exercise tolerance than women. The maximum of this tolerance appears to be about 3,800 foot pounds of work, in men between twenty-two and thirty-one years of age weighing from 170 to 200 pounds. The maximum for women appears to be 3,000 foot pounds of work performed between the ages of twenty and twenty-seven by individuals whose weight is about 150 to 180 pounds. Older and heavier men and women show a decline in exercise tolerance. Children show the greatest efficiency, that is, the number of ascents possible in the given time is highest in the young. There is a sharp rise until puberty, then the slope is more gradual until the twenties are reached.

"Thyroid extract, ephedrine, alcohol, excessive smoking, and upper respiratory infections affect the results."

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function
  • 12266

Paroxysmal hypertension with tumor of retroperitoneal nerve. Report of a case.

J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 89, 1047-1050, 1927.

First resection of a pheochromocytoma in America, and the second in the world, by the co-founder of the Mayo Clinic.  In 1926 César Roux of Lausanne did the first resection of this rare type of tumor.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY, ONCOLOGY & CANCER, SURGERY: General , SURGERY: General › Surgical Oncology
  • 12267

Cardiac failure and sudden death.

Brit. med. J., 1, 6-8, 1889.

"Physiologists and physicians had proposed various theories to explain transient and fatal cardiac standstill in animals and humans who were apparently healthy. MacWilliam defined two distinct mechanisms depending on whether recovery was possible. He offered experimental proof that “fibrillar contraction” (later termed ventricular fibrillation) was the cause of irreversible cessation of the heartbeat and sudden death. Writing in 1889, he argued that

'Sudden cardiac failure does not usually take the form of a simple ventricular standstill in diastole...It assumes, on the contrary, the form of violent, though irregular and incoordinated, manifestation of ventricular energy. Instead of quiescence, there is a tumultuous activity, irregular in its character and wholly ineffective as regards its results.'
"He explained that a variety of pathological conditions could predispose to ventricular fibrillation, including “degenerative changes of a fatty or fibroid nature in the muscular walls” and “diseased conditions...of the coronary arteries.” MacWilliam demonstrated that the fundamental electrophysiologic properties of the hearts of cold-blooded amphibians could be reproduced in mammals. He also extended the time an isolated mammalian heart preparation remained viable by combining artificial ventilation and rhythmic manual compression of the ventricles with the administration of pilocarpine.10 In 1889, MacWilliam published an article in The British Medical Journal announcing his conviction 'that ventricular fibrillation rather than cardiac standstill (asystole) was the cause of many, if not most cases of sudden death in humans' (Silverman & Fye, "John A. MacWilliam: Scotish pioneer of cardiac electrophysiology," Clin. Cardiol, 29 (2006) 90-92.)

  • 12268

The penetration of the muscular fibres of the human heart by capillaries, and the existence in that organ of very large capillaries.

J. Anat. Physiol., 33, 243-247, 1899.

Meigs discovered that the capillaries of the heart enter the heart muscle fibers. These became known as "Meigs capillaries." Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 19th Century, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 12269

Outlines of lectures on physiology, with an introductory chapter on general biology, and an appendix containing laboratory exercises in practical physiology.

Montréal: W. Drysdale & Co., 1886.

Mills, a student of Osler, became the first professional physiologist in Canada. This outline of his lectures is probably the first Canadian physiology textbook. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 12270

Termination of malignant ventricular arrhythmias with an implanted automatic defibrillator in human beings.

New Eng. J. Med., 303, 322-324, 1980.

First successful implantation of an automatic defibrillator (AICD), developed by Mirowski and Mower, and implanted by Watkins when he was a resident.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arrythmias › Implantable Defibrillator
  • 12271

Relation d'un voyage du Levant fait par ordre du Roy: Contenant l'histoire ancienne et moderne de plusieurs isles de l'Archipel, de Constantinople, des côtes de la mer Noire, de l'Arménie, de la Géorgie, des frontières de Perse et de l'Asie mineure. Avec les plans des villes & des lieux considérables; La genie, les moeurs, le commerce & la religion des différens peuples qui les habitent; et l'explication des médailles & ses monuments antiques. Enrichie de descriptions & de figures d'un grand nombre de plantes rares, divers animaux; et de plusieurs observations touchant l'histoire naturelle.

Paris: De l'Imprimerie Royale, 1717.

Digital facsimile of the 1717 edition from BnF Gallica at this link. Translated into English, London, 1718 as:

A Voyage into the Levant: Perform'd by Command of the Late French King. Containing The Antient and Modern State of the Islands of the Archipelago; as also of Constantinople, the Coasts of the Black Sea, Armenia, Georgia, the Frontiers of Persia, and Asia Minor. With Plans of the principal Towns and Places of Note; an Account of the Genius, Manners, Trade, and Religion of the respective People inhabiting those Parts: And an Explanation of Variety of Medals and Antique Monuments. Illustrated with Full Descriptions and Curious Copper-Plates of great Numbers of Uncommon Plants, Animals, &c. And several Observations in Natural History . To which is Prefix'd, The Author's Life, in a Letter to M. Begon: As also his Elogium, pronounc'd by M. Fontenelle, before a publick Assembly of the Academy of Sciences. Adorn'd with an Accurate Map of the Author's Travels, not in the French Edition: Done by Mr. Senex.

Digital facsimile of the English translation from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 12272

(1) Observations sur les maladies épidemiques, Année 1770, ouvrage rédigé d'après le tableau des epidémiques d'Hippocrate, et dans lequel on indique la meilleure méthode d'observer ce genre de maladies ... Publié par ordre du gouvernement, et aux fraix du roi. (2) Collection d'observations sur les maladies et constitutions épidémiques; ouvrage qui expose une suite de quinze années d'observations, & dans lequel les épidémies, les constitutions régnantes & intercurrentes, sont liées, selon le voeu d'Hippocrate, avec les causes météorologiques, locales & relatives aux différens climats, ainsi qu'avec l'histoire naturelle & médicale de la Normandie. On y a joint un appendix sur l'ordre des constitutions épidémiques ... Pub. par ordre du gouvernement .… 3 vols.

Paris: Vincent, 17761778.

The first title, in 1 volume, was published in 1776; the second work in 2 vols., supplementing the first work, was published in 1778. In these two bioclimatological and biogeographical studies of disease in Normandy, on which he worked for fifteen years, Le Pecq provided case histories as well as detailed analyzes of epidemics and their relationship to climate, geography, water sources, and local customs, writing in his first work that doctors must study sickness in its natural habitat before they could treat large-scale health issues.

Subjects: Bioclimatology, Biogeography, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › France, EPIDEMIOLOGY
  • 12273

Die Chemie der Blutgerinnung.

Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 4, 307–422, 1905.

In this paper Morawitz perfected observations made earlier by Alexander Schmidt, and described four coagulation factors: fibrinogen (I), prothrombin (II), thrombokinase (III) and calcium (IV).

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Coagulation
  • 12274

Die Diagnostik des Pulses in Bezug auf die localen Veränderungen desselben.

Leipzig: Verlag von Veit, 1879.

Bedford 56: "Pulse reporting by hydrosphygmograph by Italian physiologist Angelo Mosso (1846-1910), who was professor of pharmacology at Turin University." Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12275

A history of Egyptian mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals of the Egyptians; with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, and observations on the mummies of the Canary islands, of the ancient Peruvians, Burman priests, &c. By Thomas J. Pettigrew. Illustrated by George Cruikshank.

London: Longman, 1834.

"One of the most valuable works on the subject extant. It is a monument of exact observation, and considering the state of archaeological knowledge at the time, it is in every way admirable" (Dawson, Bibliography of works relating to mummification in Egypt [1929], 97). Surgeon and medical writer as well as antiquary (he vaccinated Queen Victoria), Pettigrew was one of the founding members of the British Archaeological Society, whose early meetings were held in his house. Illustrated with hand-colored plates mostly from drawings by the famous artist / caricaturist George Cruikshank, best known as the illustrator of Dickens' novels.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Embalming, ANTHROPOLOGY › Cultural Anthropology
  • 12276

Design in nature illustrated by spiral and other arrangements in the inorganic and organic kingdoms as exemplified in matter, force, life, growth, rhythms, &c., especially in crystals, plants, and animals. 3 vols.

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1908.

"Illustrated by nearly two thousand figures, mostly original and from nature." Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology, COMPUTING/MATHEMATICS in Medicine & Biology
  • 12277

Angina pectoris.I. A variant form of angina pectoris. Preliminary report.

Am. J. Med., 27, 375-88, 1959.
Prinzmetal angina. "Dr. Prinzmetal and his collaborators focus upon an interesting variant of angina pectoris which appears to be associated with temporary, recurrent spasm of a partially occluded coronary artery. In contrast to the usual angina pectoris, precordial pain in this variant is apt to come on at rest and is relieved by exercise. There is a striking elevation of the ST segment during severe attacks of pain, simulating acute myocardial infarction, but this promptly reverts to normal upon cessation of the attack" (Agress, Myron Prinzmetal. Profiles in Cardiology, 347). 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 12278

Studies in the metabolism of sodium r-lactate. 1. Response of normal human subjects to the intravenous injection of sodium r-lactate. 2. Response of human subjects with acidosis to the intravenous injection of sodium r-lactate. 3. Reponse of human subjects with liver damage, disturbed mineral and water balance, and renal insufficiency to the intravenous injection ofsodium r-lactate.

J. clin. Inves., 11, 327-55, 337-44, 345-55, 1932.

Hartman added sodium lactate to the standard Ringer's solution to form Ringer's lactate solution, also known as Hartmann's solution.

Subjects: Emergency Medicine, PHYSIOLOGY
  • 12279

Hertztamponade: Ein Beitrag zur Herzchirurgie.

Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 1884.

Rose coined the term "Herztomponade" translated as "cardiac tamponade." He "described the pathophysiology of cardiac tamponade and recorded 23 case histories of ruptured or wounded hearts, several of which did not cause death" (Westaby, Landmarks in Cardiac Surgery, 14.) 

  • 12280

A history of streptokinase use in acute myocardial infarction.

Tex. Heart Inst. J., 34, 318-327, 2007.

A history of thrombolytic therapy. Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Myocardial Infarction, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Cardiovascular Medications
  • 12281

Physicians, law and ethics.

New York: Columbia University Press, 1984.

Subjects: Ethics, Biomedical, LAW and Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 12282

Response to exercise after bed rest and after training.

Circulation, 38 (5 Suppl.) VII1-VII78, 1968.

Order of authorship in the original publication: Saltin, Blomqvist, Mitchell, Johnson, Wildenthal, Chapman. Chapman planned the Dallas Bed Rest and Training Study, which defined the degree to which the level of habitual physical activity determines cardiovascular capacity, and measured the extent to which prolonged bed rest causes cardiovascular deterioration. The findings provided a firm physiological rationale for early ambulation of patients after acute myocardial infarction and quantified the potential benefits of exercise rehabilitation.

Several follow-up studies to this research occurred and appeared in various journals. See Jere H. Mitchell, Benjamin D. Levine, Darren K. McGuire,"The Dallas Bed Rest and Training Study revisited after fifty years," Circulation, 140 (2019) 1293-1295.

  • 12283

Starling on the heart. Facsimile reprints, including the Linacre lecture on the law of the heart. Analysis and critical comment by Carleton B. Chapman and Jere H. Mitchell.

London: Dawsons , 1965.

  • 12284

Zur Dynamik des Herzmuskels.

Z. Biol., 32, 370-477, 1895.

"In his postdoctoral work (Habilitationsschrift) Frank investigated the isometric and isotonic contractile behaviour of the heart and it is this work that he is best known for. Frank's work on this topic preceded that of Ernest Starling, but both are usually credited with providing the foundations of what is termed the Frank–Starling law of the heart. This law states that "Within physiological limits, the force of contraction is directly proportional to the initial length of the muscle fiber" (Wikipedia article on Otto Frank, accessed 4-2020).

Translated into English with commentary by Carlton B. Chapman & Eugene Wasserman, "Translators note in relation to a Special Article 'On the Dynamics of Cardiac Muscle' by Otto Frank," American Heart Journal , 58 (1959) 282-317.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 12285

Methode für den Unterricht der Taub-Stummen in der Laut-Sprache im Rechnen und in der Religion. Verfasst von …. Gezeichnet von Ant. Jarisch.

Regensburg: Verlag von G. Joseph Manz, 1851.

An illustrated manual of sign language for the deaf and dumb specifically for education in mathematics and religion.
The book has a particularly distinctive title page. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Deaf-Mute Education
  • 12286

Die Grundform des arteriellen Pulses.

Z. Biol., 37, 483-526, 1899.

"The First Mathematical Description of the Pressure-Volume Diagram 

"Not until 60 years after 1899 Otto Frank's mathematical formulation of the volume-pressure diagram and his concept of the mechanism of the cardiac work of the left ventricle cardio-physiologists began to rediscover Frank's work systematically. Frank's scientific development proves his constant commitment to and deep interest in understanding and analysing physiological problems mathematically. Consequently Frank worked on the quality and theory of physiological instruments and the problems of measurement, to calculate the influence in experimental research of the cardio-vascular system. Besides Frank's publications on different types of manometers his theory of "Windkessel" function as a model of the mechanics of the left ventricle and the different energies of the cardiac work are of importance even today, although we know only few details of his life as a pupil of Carl Ludwig and Carl von Voit and as a professor of physiology in Giessen and Munich." (B. Lohff, Translated into English by K. Sagawa K, R.K. Lie, J. Schaefer, J Mol Cell Cardiol 22 (1990) 253-277.

  • 12287

The regulation of the heart beat.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 48, 465-513, 1914.

"Ernest Henry Starling (1866-1927) has probably contributed more than any man to our understanding of heart failure....His work with Patterson and Piper on the mechanical factors involved in the response of the heart to changes in load have formed the basis for our understanding of how the heart's work as a pump is adjusted to the varying demands made upon it, and have incidentally provided the key to our understanding of heart failure as seen in man" ( Sir George Pickering, "Starling and the concept of heart failure," Circulation, 21 (1960) 323-331).

  • 12288

Researches on the circulation time in organs and on the influences which affect it.

J. Physiol., 22, 159–183, 1897.

This was a continuation of researches undertaken by Stewart for the Goodsir Prize Essay at the University of Edinburgh (1892). His autograph manuscript for the 1892 essay was digitized by the university at made available at  hdl:1842/24341. Digital facsimile of the 1897 paper from PubMedCentral at this link.

  • 12289

Complete transposition of the aorta and a levoposition of the pulmonary artery; clinical, physiological, and pathological findings.

Am. Heart J., 37, 551-9, 1949.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 12290

Observations upon the ligature of arteries, and the causes of secondary hemorrhage; with a suggestion of a new method of employing the ligature in cases of aneurism.

Med. chir. Trans., 4, [438]-468, 1813.

Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: VASCULAR SURGERY › Ligations
  • 12291

Curing the colonizers: Hydrotherapy, climatology, and French colonial spas.

Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006.

Translated into French by the author as À la cure, les coloniaux ! Thermalisme, climatisme et colonisation française, 1830-1962. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011.

Subjects: Bioclimatology › History of Bioclimatology, THERAPEUTICS › Hydrotherapy › History of Hydrotherapy or Physical Therapy
  • 12292

Three-dimensional display in nuclear medicine.

IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 8, 297–303, 1989.

Maximum intensity projection (MIP) or MIP imaging, invented by Jerold Wallis, "is a method for 3D data that projects in the visualization plane the voxels with maximum intensity that fall in the way of parallel rays traced from the viewpoint to the plane of projection. This implies that two MIP renderings from opposite viewpoints are symmetrical images if they are rendered using orthographic projection.

"MIP is used for the detection of lung nodules in lung cancer screening programs which use computed tomography scans. MIP enhances the 3D nature of these nodules, making them stand out from pulmonary bronchi and vasculature. MIP imaging is also used routinely by physicians in interpreting Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Magnetic Resonance Angiography studies

In the setting of Nuclear Medicine, MIP was originally called MAP (Maximum Activity Projection). 

To view SPECT visualized by a MIP of a mouse click on the link below:

Subjects: ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration › Computer Graphics, Nuclear Medicine
  • 12293

Über die Beziehung zwischen Reizung und Erregung im Tetanus.

Ber. Akad. Wiss. St. Petersburg, 54, 96-, Tipografīi︢a Imperatorskoǐ akademīi Nauk, 1886.

One mechanism that has been implicated in the origin of arrhythmias is the Wedensky effect. This was first described in neuromuscular studies by Wedensky as a prolonged lowered threshold of excitability induced by a strong stimulus (1886). See Castellanos, Lemberg, Johnson, Berkovits, "The Wedensky effect in the human heart," Brit. Heart. J., 28 (1966) 276-283.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12294

Die Geisteskrankheiten des Kindesalters mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des schulpflichtigen Alters.

Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1902.

The first systematic work on child psychiatry in Germany. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › Child Psychiatry
  • 12295

Sphygmographische Untersuchungen an Geisteskranken.

Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1887.

Ziehen, a student of Hermann Munk, wrote his habiltation thesis on sphygmographic studies of psychiatric patients. This was the first monograph on the subject.

Subjects: Neurophysiology, PSYCHIATRY
  • 12296

Doctors of empire: Medical and cultural encounters between Imperial Germany and Meiji Japan

Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2014.

  • 12297

Höheklima und Bergwanderungen in ihrer Wirkung auf den Menschen. Ergebnisse experimenteller Forschungen im Hochgebirge und Laboratorium.

Leipzig & Berlin: Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong & Co., 1906.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Altitude or Undersea Physiology & Medicine, PHYSICAL MEDICINE / REHABILITATION › Exercise / Training / Fitness
  • 12298

Über den Energieverbrauch bei musikalischer Betätigung.

Pflügers Archiv, 211, 1-63, 1926.

Specialized study on the energy consumption of musicians.

Subjects: Music and Medicine, PHYSICAL MEDICINE / REHABILITATION › Exercise / Training / Fitness
  • 12299

Medical books in the Byzantine world. Edited by Barbara Zipser.

Bologna: Eikasmós Online II, 2013.

Subjects: BYZANTINE MEDICINE › History of Byzantine Medicine